WHY SENATOR HEINEKEN OCTOBER LOKPOBIRI CANNOT GET AWAY WITH THIS BRIGANDAGE By any standard the Ekeremor born Lawyer turned politician Senator HEINEKEN OCTOBER LOKPOBIRI is a lucky man. Born in 1967, Lokpibiri has a not –too-scintillating law degree from the Rivers State University of Science & Technology. Those who know his antecedents will readily attest to his lack luster performance in the University and his affinity to cult groups. After obtaining his law degree in 1994, there is no serious evidence whatsoever that HEINEKEN OCTOBER LOKPOBIRI practiced law in old Rivers State. There is equally no evidence that he had worked anywhere in the civil service. There is no trace that he has, at any point in time been a businessman. He cannot be said to be a brilliant man, but luck beckoned on him in 1999 when Chief D.S.P. Alamieyeseigha hand picked him to contest for the Bayelsa State House of Assembly. He became Speaker of the Bayelsa State House of Assembly. Senator Heineken Lokpobiri became former Governor Alamieyeseigha’s nemesis. His problem started when he became a self-aggrandizing, high handed leader who passed the legislative autonomy law. His ambitions ran counter to Governor Alamieyeseighas ambition. He was alleged to have been involved in the famous bombing of the House of Assembly complex and was subsequently impeached. Since then he has been used to brigandage. IN Bayelsa State, when the seat of the Federal Constituency is zoned to Ekeremor, the Senatorial Seat usually goes to Sagbama. The logic therefore is that Senator Heineken October Lokpibiri was never meant to contest the Senatorial seat and he never did. What happened on Sunday, 7th of December was that after the PDP Senatorial Primaries had been conducted and the results were being counted Lokpobiri stormed the venue with his thugs with a view to disrupting the counting of the ballot. Nigeria under the transformation administration at the Federal Government and the Restoration Administration Government of Bayelsa State has zero tolerance for crime, criminality and violence and these laws are in force. What Senator Heineken Lokpobiri has done is an offense against public morality. Willfully destroying the PDP building with armed men is not actus dei nemini facit injuriam. Never Even if the militants had acted in breach of the law, the position of the law is ignorantia juris Non Excusat. Verily, Senator Heineken October Lokpobiri might have committed such brigandage in the past without being punished, he cannot get away with it this time around. 1. WILL THIS DIE HEART BRIGAND GET AWAY WITH HIS ATROCITIES AND THE ATTEMPTED DISRUPTION OF THE COUNTING OF VOTES IN AN ELECTION FOR WHICH HE NEVER CONTESTED? 2. DOES HEINEKEN LOKPOBIRI THINK HE IS ABOVE THE LAW? FROM A CULTIC DISPOSITION TO A BRIGAND, HEINEKEN LOKPOBIRI MAY NOT GO FREE AFTER SERVING OUT HIS TENURE AS A SENATOR. When I hear other versions of the story, I laugh because the act perpetrated by Heineken October Lokpibiri is a criminal act against the Electoral Act and the Constitution. THE LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES MUST SWING INTO ACTION AND BRING THE CULPRITS TO BOOK .
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 18:04:40 +0000

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