WHY SOCIALISM DOESN’T WORK Wade B. Cook Lets look - TopicsExpress


WHY SOCIALISM DOESN’T WORK Wade B. Cook Lets look at what everyone wants out of socialism. The masses, we conservatives still like to call them people, want to survive. Thriving comes later, and they can be talked out of it. The Statists need to rule the populace. Some people would expect never-ending existence from adversity. The elites promise to deliver. Within these two mutually dependent expectations lie the seeds of destruction. And if we dont change our ways we will be on the Eve of Destruction. Steve McCann, after stating his that we have primary to survive and prosper, said, A secondary characteristic of the human race, is the need by some within the group to conquer or maintain control over their fellow man. Those who considered themselves superior to the masses . . . step in and take control. Usually this is at the point of a gun. Oh, but not here; we Americans are unique. We vote them in.” He continued: The easiest course to assume power was to promise, in return for supporting the state through a new ruling class, and they would provide the citizenry cradle-to-grave economic security.” But a major problem arose. There is never enough money. Governments have the ability to go into unprecedented and unhealthy debt, and create monetary policies, like printing money and causing inflation to support their destructive habits for only so long. All over the world today, we are seeing the day of reckoning unfold. . . . only the capitalist system, which is anathema to a powerful central government and its attendant oligarchy, can produce sufficient wealth to underwrite a social safety net for the general public and finance the agenda of the governing class. Today . . . nearly half of all economic output is directed by politicians rather than entrepreneurs and small business. (Newt Gingrich) And what is the talk today? Raise taxes again. Little do they know that raising the tax rates actually has a negative effect on revenue generation? Raising taxes is hardly a profile is presidential leadership. (Ibid Gingrich) SUPPRESS AND OPPRESS They want . . . a more muscular Washington. Their current proposition is if we just further centralize financial markets under Washington controls, they will fix things for us. The problem is the new law do not eliminate any of the ineffective agencies currently in existence and likely will create new one. (both quotes by Robert Atwell) Look at the following list. These are actions taken by the SEIU (Service Employees International Union), of which the . . .most . . . frequent . . . visitor . . . to the White House in the first year of this administration was SEIUs President. • SEIU is suing the Red Cross Blood Donation Operation because they want to live within their budget, and wanted to cut back some employees. SEIU wants them to raise wages. They will hold hostage 40% of the human blood supply. Consumers who need a transfusion come second to the union wish list. • A 17 year old Boy Scout, working on his Eagle project, spent 200 hours clearing paths in a park. SEIU filed a grievance at City Hall because union workers were not used. • In Bakersfield, CA a local Baptist Church did repair work on their chapel, but has incurred the wrath of the SEIU because they did not use union workers. You cant make this stuff up. And just think, these are the people spending millions to put into office officials who think the same way they think and act. We want freedom and our rights protected, but as Steve McCann says: Despite the lessons of the Soviet Union, every new generation of adherents to socialist ideology believes it can make this fallacious philosophy work and maintain its arrangement with the citizenry. But in reality it cannot, as the economic engine of capitalism will not continue to produce wealth if it is increasingly put under the thumb of bureaucrats and central planners, as they regulate the day-to-day lives of all citizens. And why is that? Because . . . the motivation of the producer class will be stifled and members will either drop out, join the dependent class or simply move on to more hospitable countries. Individuals, separately or together, driven by the motive of self-enrichment, produces goods or services desired by others. In the process jobs and wealth are created, thus benefitting society as a whole. But there is always tension between the producer class and the government takers—between those who adhere to central government control and those who produce the wealth. Inherently, the state has more power than the individual, and once the radical element assumes power, government begins its inexorable process of injecting itself into the affairs of the individual and producer class (which is always a minority in society). But these elites will not go away easily, but their ideas must be defeated in the arena of ideas, both political and business. No amount of promises, demonization of capitalism and seizure of the means of production, confiscatory taxes or printing of money will re-institute prosperity or security for the populace. (Ibid McCann, both quotes this paragraph) JUST THINK As you go about your life today, look hard at everything you see and touch. How much of that was produced by government? They produce nothing. All they do is take. We need honest people who will get elected telling the truth and then govern within the limitations imposed on them by our Constitution. Liberals are the people who want freedom of choice over a womans body to reside with the woman. What about all of the choices you make with your own body? Health Care, what you eat and drink? Where you live and what you drive? An eerie parallel exists with the Obama game plan for health, automobile and the banking industries: crowd out free-market players and create government alternatives to which those players in desperation will jump. But all this . . . causes a troubling thought. Having long since lost interest in the merits of free enterprise, perhaps too many of the modern elite dont prize liberty for themselves. As long as the government secures their jobs. (Both quotes by Phyllis Schlafly) A few parting questions: • What is it that creates wealth? Or who is it? • What roll do higher or lower taxes play in all economic decisions? • How are the fiscal and social issues of a political viewpoint intertwined? • Why is the truth at the mercy of Liberals who need to control people? • Can a government tax its way out of a recession? Coming full circle—I have been engaged in the free enterprise system since I was a teenager. It was natural that the very basic notion of freedom is needed in a free market economy. No alternative works. I have been personally through boom and bust periods in my life. Ive even been in my own recession, but only for a very short time. The collective is not the answer. It is that we as a people need to grow out of our problems. We do so individually and the whole country benefits. And we grow best with lower taxes, less government spending and less government, period! Just as I was putting the finishing touches on this article, I read a simple, but powerful paragraph by George Will: Uncertainty is a consequence of hyperkinetic government, which is a consequence of the governmental confidence that is a consequence of progressivism. The premise of progressivism is that all will be well if enough power is concentrated in Washington, and enough Washington power is concentrated in the executive branch, and enough really clever experts are concentrated in the executive branch. Ronald Reagan said: If we lose freedom here there is no place else to go. This is the last Stand. ______________________________________________________ Copyright 2014 Wade B. Cook. All Rights Reserved. Go to wadecook.org to get a FREE Special Report:
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 06:27:26 +0000

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