WHY SOME PARTNERS GIVE UP. This story is a parable meant to be - TopicsExpress


WHY SOME PARTNERS GIVE UP. This story is a parable meant to be used as an imaging tool. It’s not meant to give any partner, who is ready to give up on a relationship, an excuse to do so. It can however, give the abandoned partner a better understanding as to why their partner may have decided to leave their relationship when they did. More importantly, this is meant to be used as a “wake-up call” to those partners who are asleep to the fact that they’ve been neglecting their love. & if they don’t come to that realization & do something to drastically reverse their neglectful behavior immediately, they may wake up one morning to find their heart broken. Read this story with an open mind & heart to really get the gist about those who think their partner should keep understanding why they spend so much time away from them. Use your imagination for just a moment. Imagine now that your best friend walks up to you in your front yard one Saturday morning & asks you to do him a favor. You have some free time, & so you agree to do it. He walks over to his car, opens the trunk, & brought out a heavy rock. Now here’s where you’re really going to have to use your imagination: At this point he hands you the rock & says, “I really need you to stand here with this rock until I return.” He explains why it’s important that you stand in that one spot with the rock & promises to return shortly to retrieve it. It’s a strange request, & his explanation doesn’t make a lot of sense, but this is someone you trust, so you agree. At this point, he thanks you with extreme gratitude & then gets into his car & drove away. An hour gone by, & what started out as a reasonable favor is beginning to get a little hard. But after all, this is your best friend, so you resign yourself to continue on & stand there. Another hour goes by & your arms are starting to ache. Everything in you wants to sit down, but you made a promise. Then suddenly, to your relief, your friend pulls in the driveway, jumps out of the car, & runs in your direction. You’re so relieved. If you weren’t holding the rock, you’d hug him. But your joy is quickly crushed. Instead of relieving you of your burden he says, “I told you I was coming right back. But I need to run one more quick errand. If you’ll keep holding the rock, I’ll make it up to you when I return.” Once again, you trust that what you’re told is true. If your friend needs to run one more errand before relieving you that is just the way it is. So you agree. As he turns to go you can’t help but yell out, “Please hurry.” Off your friend goes & there you stand. Another hour goes by. The sun begins to set. Your muscles are aching to be able to drop the rock. But you refuse to give in. You’re committed to holding up your part of what you promised. Besides, your friend said he’d make it up to you. You aren’t sure what that means, but it must be something good. Thirty minutes later a car pulls up in the driveway. Someone you don’t know is driving. This person walks over & informs you that your friend has been delayed. “Would you mind holding the rock for just a little while longer?” he asks. You experience a mixture of pain & anger. You manage to mutter, “Just tell him to hurry.” Away the person goes & there you stand. It’s dark now. The streets are empty. The neighbors are at their windows watching you stand there, wondering why you’d put up with being treated like that by a “friend.” Another hour goes by. You begin to lose your grip. Your arms begin to fall. You tell yourself to hold on, but your body just won’t respond. Down goes the rock. & just as it hits the pavement & breaks into a hundred pieces, your friend pulls up in the driveway, jumps out of the car, runs over with a look of panic on his face, & says, “What happened? Did it slip? Did somebody knock it out of your hands? Did you change your mind?” & as he looks for an explanation as to why you suddenly dropped the rock, you know that it was a long time coming. Now let me explain what happened in terms that will help us later on. Your mental willingness was overcame by your physical exhaustion. You wanted to do what you were asked to do, but after awhile you just couldn’t do it anymore. Add to that the frustration of being misled about how long you’d have to stand there. But even if the aggravation is put aside, at some point you just weren’t going to be able to keep holding on. No amount of love, dedication, commitment, or selflessness was going to be able to make up for the fact that your arms were worn out. Now, let’s add another element to that story: You’re about to pass out from exhaustion. & finally a car pulls up in the driveway. You’re so angry & in so much pain you know you’ll have to choose your words carefully. Sure enough, it’s your friend. He walks over slowly with one hand behind his back. He forces a smile & says, “I brought you something.” ...continue...
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 19:54:24 +0000

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