WHY THE AVIATION MINISTER SHOULD NOT BE BLAMED OR QUESTIONED! Why is it impossible to provide university professors with a desktop (not even talking of laptop or iPad and projectors, which are necessary modern gadgets for conferences and even lectures but PAs to the Special Assistants of Ministers are provided with the most sophisticated gadgets that dont even have anything to do with their jobs? If we share the allowances Govt claims to have released for lecturers earned allowances for three years (2009-2012), what two Professors (whose ranks are even much higher than a ministers) put together, will get for the three years is less than one-hundredth of N255m. Yet, I dont think ASUU members should blame the Minister for buying two armoured cars worth N255m for her official use. I think God used her to reveal that the Govt is only deceitful in its claim that it doesnt have enough money to spend to salvage the education sector. She is like Judas who had to commit sin in order for the scripture to be fulfilled. I also think ordinary Nigerians shouldnt question her because this is a country where the worth of human lives is measured by offices occupied and volume of money owned. In other countries, Govt will spend billions of dollars to rescue trapped miners, but here the ordinary people are sacrificed to save the life of politicians (so many people have been knocked down and beaten to death by security operatives in Presidents and Governors convoy, implying that their lives are more highly priced than yours and mine. It is a similar warped logic that informed the ministers view that she needs to ride in such expensive armoured cars even when the ordinary Nigerian dies of hunger. But all that argument and politics aside, I frankly dont think that it is wrong for highly placed government officials to ride in armoured cars if we can afford it, all things considered. There is no denying the fact that they and other categories of rich people are more vulnerable to violent crimes. What we should look at is whether the price is outrageous or not. I havent imported a bicycle, not to talk of car, so I cant say whether it the cars were over priced or not.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 08:44:27 +0000

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