WHY THE BRITISH WAS KEEN TO KILL NETAJI BEFORE INDIA`S FREEDOM : British even ordered assassination of Netaji Subhas Bose after he escaped from house arrest in 1941 and left India to create first Indian National Army to fight the British imperialists. But the plan on his way to Germany was foiled as he changed his route and went via Russia. Netaji had unified Hindus and Muslims in the INA that drove British Army to its knees and came up to Imphal, Manipur and raised Indian flags on our soil. British were eager to get rid of Netaji because with Netaji"s presence they could not have split India into India and Pakistan. British ruled India with the policy of divide and rule. Some say, Netaji was handed over to Russians by the Japanese and Stalin ordered his execution. But now British archives are making it clear that British may have executed him in secret. This was an act of Anglo-Japan secret pact. Because Japan is also involved, so they spread the lie on air crash. If that is the case it was in violation of international prisoner of war rules and norms. British gained a lot from Netaji"s disappearance for ever. They could spill India into India and Pakistan. They could make millions of Indians wage war against each other based on religion and make many more millions homeless. It was an ideal lesson taught to Indians by the British before British had diluted their empire in Asia. Netaji would have never tolerated this. And their lies the motivation for killing Netaji.
Posted on: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 15:13:42 +0000

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