WHY THE CAB IS DOOMED TO FAIL? Analysis by: Aladdin - TopicsExpress


WHY THE CAB IS DOOMED TO FAIL? Analysis by: Aladdin Magbanua The COMPREHENSIVE Agreement creating the Bangsamoro Political Entity is doomed to fail just like its predecessor FINAL Agreement which created the ARMM. This is not being pessimistic because the indicators are clear, Read on why: 1. The Bangsamoro people, if ever there is one, are disunited to the core. They love their tribe more than their cause or their dream moro nation. And it seems that their religion is no use to them in this case. Look how they fight and hate each other here in ARMM Watch. Their respective hypocrisy offline must be clearer. Youd wonder how did Misuari bring the old commanders and thousands of MNLF members from different tribes together. 2. The now-celebrating MILF actually rebelled against its mother org, the MNLF because the latter accepted autonomy and dropped the moro peoples bid for independence. But look again, what they are celebrating now- it is the same autonomy they rejected, the same autonomy that caused them to divide the MNLF rank, the same autonomy that made the Moros divided along ethnic lines, the same autonomy that dashed their dream of a united Bangsamoro nation. 3. As their karma, the same MILF that rebelled against the MNLF now gave birth to another break-away group, the so-called BIFF. In about a decade, we shall be seeing again the same whole process of peace negotiation , of signing the peace agreement , of victory celebration, and of another break-away group sprouting. Add to this the different clowns posing as MNLF leaders to sideline to genuine one.This is called Moro-Moro by the Spaniards. 4. The present govt led by the president who never had an experience on how to lead a family or any organization, once called the ARMM A FAILED EXPERIMENT. So now he is doing another experiment which he thought will not fail. But it is doomed to fail. In the first place, corrupt leaders in Malacanang would not want Moros to succeed for the good of the Moros but for anything else other than that. After all, Mindanao was promised to them at the expense of the Moros. 5. The CAB is not palatable to many Moros, especially the Tausogs because the Maguindanao-led Liberation Front has no interest in Sabah whatsoever. In fact, the entire Filipino masses know why Malaysia funded and actively mediated the CAB to the finish line - it is to secure Sabah for themselves. It may be said that Sabah is not also in the agenda of the 1996 Final Peace Agreement, but at least it was not mediated by an interested party, but by the whole Muslim nation called the OIC. Whereas, unlike the MILF, the MNLF will not disown nor give up Sabah. 6. The CAB may be good as claimed, In fact it is better than the previous RP-MILF MOA that was rejected by the Supreme Court. Better in the sense that the Pinoy-led government gave away so much to the MILF in comparison to the rejected one. So chances are the CAB will be rendered unconstitutional just the same. There is really no cause to celebrate yet or act as a conquering army. 7. The same people in the government who made the ARMM fail are still the same people who will try to make the Bangsamoro Political Entity succeed. There may be good intentions but old habits remain. 8. The foreign investors who contributed tremendously for the success of the CAB will surely have a huge slice of the Mindanao cake at the expense of the Moro people. 9. The different local and international NGOs now operating and still waiting to operate behind the picture are not all trustworthy. In fact, most of them are the same faces who were partners in the making of the Failed Experiment. 10. Corruption is inherent in both Filipino and Moro mentality. With the exception of the few, position and power for many leaders and public servants are not opportunities to serve but a chance to enrich their pockets and bank accounts. The reason why the Philippines is a wasted country is primarily because of this mentality. Flipino and Moro leaders are slaves of their own greed so they cannot be relied upon to make us free.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 22:27:07 +0000

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