WHY THE CANEROS SHOULD HOLD THEIR GROUND First, let us establish who we are dealing with: Who is behind the iron mask of the ASR (American Sugar Refining)? ASR is owned by the Fanjul brothers. The Fanjul brothers are Cuban borned. They are Alfonso Alfy Fanjul, José Pepe Fanjul, Alexander Fanjul, and Andres Fanjul — they own the Fanjul Corp., a vast sugar and real estate conglomerate in the United States and the Dominican Republic. It comprises the subsidiaries Domino Sugar, Florida Crystals, C&H Sugar, Redpath Sugar, Tate & Lyle European Sugar, La Romana International Airport, and resorts surrounding La Romana in the Dominican Republic...and now Belize. WHAT KIND OF MEN ARE THE FANJUL BROTHERS? The Fanjul brothers were a focus in the Jamie Johnson documentary The One Percent, which showcases the corrupt use of cane workers and especially imported labor. The U.S. Dept. of Labors List of Goods Produced by Child or Forced Labor report lists sugarcane from the Dominican Republic as having child and forced labor. The NY Times reported: The sugar situation hurts American businesses and consumers, but its worst impact is on the poor countries that try to compete in the global agricultural markets. Their farmers might never be able to compete . Alfonso Fanjul served as co-chairman of Bill Clintons Florida campaign in 1992 and is a major contributor and fundraiser for the Democratic Party. His brother Pepe, who is a U.S. citizen, contributes to the Republicans. What does this say about the Fanjul brothers as it relates to the Belize sugar industry? Their objective is to fully control the Belize sugar industry. They are willing to do whatever it takes to do so. They are capitalist and capitalists care about only 2 things: 1. Their bottom line 2. How to grow their bottom line HOW POWERFUL IS ASR? ASR is the largest vertically integrated cane sugar refiner in the world. Their 10 refineries are found in five countries across the globe and collectively can produce more than six million tonnes of sugar. They also own and operate sugar mills in the United States, Mexico and Belize. VERTICAL INTEGRATION, what is it? In microeconomics and management, vertical integration is an arrangement in which the supply chain of a company is OWNED by that company. WHAT IS THE GOOD NEWS? ASR threatened to pull out of Belize. I dont believe they are going anywhere. Why? 1. Belize is geographically strategically located: ASR sells their products to the Americas, Caribbean, Europe, the Middle East, India and Asia. 2. Belize refinery: As the largest vertically integrated cane sugar refiner in the world, Belize is one of only 5 countries where you can find one of ASRs 10 refineries. Why is this? Re-read point # 1. 3. In the world of Power, greed is always a weakness of the powerful. The more they have the more they want. And they will not walk away defeated by some Caneros in little Belize. That will hurt their pride and ego. REMEMBER THIS: - Belize is filthy rich with natural resources. There is a reason these big corporations are coming to Belize. - The Fanjul brothers are the type of men that will use any leverage they have at their disposal, including bribing, to get their way. They are not in Belize for the short term. They are here for a very long time. - Men of this caliber are capitalists by heart. Moral-suasion is a waste of time. They cannot be bargained with. They cannot be reasoned with. They dont feel pity, or remorse, or fear for and of the Caneros or Belize. They absolutely will not stop, ever, until they get full control of the sugar industry in Belize. The moral responsibility lay squarely on the shoulders of our Government of Belize and its current leaders. Only they can divert this disaster. Will they do so? Or have the dogma of the spoils system been used to compromise them? Only time will tell. In conclusion, there is a saying in the world of Power: Know who you are dealing with. When you meet a swordsman, draw your sword: Do not recite poetry to one who is not a poet. The Fanjul brothers are NOT poets. They are here to fully TAKE OVER the sugar industry of Belize and add to their largest vertically integrated cane sugar refiner in the world. And they will do it by...any...means...necessary. Stand your ground Caneros. Stay united. Belizeans, if there is anytime in Belizes history that we need unity country wide, and solidarity with our brothers and sisters up north, it is now. If we lose that industry, we will NEVER GET IT BACK. I foresee Belize spiraling into further poverty, unemployment and crime, if that happens. Yours in Service, Charles Leslie Jr.
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 21:25:30 +0000

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