WHY THE DENOMINATIONAL WAY TO HEAVEN IS WRONG! Dan Goddard In Proverbs 14:6-12, we have the words of the wise man, Solomon, who is giving the antithesis between wisdom and folly and is giving the effects of both. If we will profit by what he has to say, it will be well with us here and most certainly, hereafter. In this present age, there are many who object to even a suggestion of the possibility that honest persons may be wrong religiously. This attitude is growing, and where it may lead no one is able at this time to tell. But we are told of God that there is “a way that seemeth right” and yet leads to disaster. There are several things we want to notice in “why the denominational way to heaven is wrong.” 1. The denominational way to heaven is the most popular way. There is not a shadow of doubt that there are some people who are religious, but are following the way that is most popular. But surely no sane person would follow a way that he himself did not believe in. No doubt, it must “seem right” to him. However, in Matt. 7:13, Jesus contrasts the broad and popular way with the narrow and difficult way and assures us that the most popular way leads to destruction while the narrow and unpopular way leads to eternal life. 2. The denominational way to heaven is the human way. This way that “seemeth right” is the way most people are following because of their “opinion.” Cain followed his “opinion” but his way was not the way of the Lord and hence incurred the wrath of God upon him (Gen. 4:3-8). The modern Canaanite asks, “If a man does the best he knows how, is that not good enough?” We should always remember that human opinion is never as good as God’s way. 3. The denominational way to heaven is the deceitful way. “It seemeth right.” There are many ways that “seem right” but are contrary to the truth of God. For instance, the doctrine that states, “faith only is a more wholesome doctrine and very full of comfort” seems right to many but is not right in the sight of God. The faith that avails is a faith that works through love (Gal. 5:6). Hence, salvation is not by “faith only” (James 2:24,26). Thus we know that the doctrine of “faith only” is not a “wholesome doctrine” and is contradictory to the way of God and is therefore deceitful. 4. The denominational way to heaven is a way of ignorance. Most people refuse to consider that they are sinners in the sight of God. Cain did this. People have their Bibles and also listen to many religious programs but they continue to remain “wilfully ignorant” of the way of God (cf. II Peter 3:5). How many in the present age remain “wilfully ignorant” of God’s way and are continuing in their OWN WAY or their DENOMINATIONAL WAYS? 5. The denominational way to heaven is a way of hopeless despair. It “seemeth right” to remain in their “own way” but this way is the way of hopeless despair. Cain’s way was a way that “seemed right” but caused the cruse of God to rest upon him all the days of his life. In like manner, God will pass sentence in that “great day” and that sentence will endure “forever.” It is far better to take the Lord at His word, believe all He says (John 8:24), obey all His commands (Heb. 5:8-9; John 14:15; 15:14; I John 5:2-3) and look in hope to the enjoyment of all that He has promised to the faithful. The denominational way is a way of hopeless despair. Let us all seek after the way that is right and cannot be wrong -- “the Way of God.” 29511 Bock St. Garden City, MI 48135
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 15:32:15 +0000

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