WHY THE TOO MUCH NOISE ABOUT JESUS THE CHRIST? The book of Hebrews informs humanity about God the Father’s gracious gift of eternal salvation that He has accomplished through Christ Jesus our Lord Savior for all who may want to embrace it: “AND JUST AS EACH PERSON IS DESTINED TO DIE ONCE AND AFTER THAT COMES JUDGMENT, SO ALSO CHRIST DIED ONCE FOR ALL TIME AS A SACRIFICE TO TAKE AWAY THE SINS OF MANY PEOPLE. HE WILL COME AGAIN, NOT TO DEAL WITH OUR SINS, BUT TO BRING SALVATION TO ALL WHO ARE EAGERLY WAITING FOR HIM” (HEB. 9:27-28 NLT). In the book of Acts, God informs what we should do to receive His gracious gift of salvation through Christ Jesus thus: “PETER’S WORDS PIERCED THEIR HEARTS, AND THEY SAID TO HIM AND TO THE OTHER APOSTLES, “BROTHERS, WHAT SHOULD WE DO?” PETER REPLIED, “EACH OF YOU MUST REPENT OF YOUR SINS AND TURN TO GOD, AND BE BAPTIZED IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST FOR THE FORGIVENESS OF YOUR SINS. THEN YOU WILL RECEIVE THE GIFT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. THIS PROMISE IS TO YOU, AND TO YOUR CHILDREN, AND EVEN TO THE GENTILES—ALL WHO HAVE BEEN CALLED BY THE LORD OUR GOD” (ACTS 2:37-39 NLT). You did not do anything for your parents to give you birth. Also remember that you did nothing before God created and caused your birth through your parents. How much more do you expect to do something in particular for your new creation and new birth? Nothing! All you have to do is to accept your gracious free gift from God with your confession with your mouth and from your heart as the book of Romans says: “IF YOU CONFESS WITH YOUR MOUTH THAT JESUS IS LORD AND BELIEVE IN YOUR HEART THAT GOD THE FATHER RAISED HIM FROM THE DEAD, YOU WILL BE SAVED” (RM. 10:9 NLT). “FOR ‘EVERYONE WHO CALLS ON THE NAME OF THE LORD WILL BE SAVED’” (RM. 10:13 NLT). “THERE IS SALVATION IN NO ONE ELSE! GOD THE FATHER HAS GIVEN NO OTHER NAME UNDER HEAVEN BY WHICH WE MUST BE SAVED” (ACTS 4:12 NLT). The gospel of John speaking about the pre-existence, that is in the dateless beginning (before the creation) informs that the Christ was the Word God. He, the Word God co-existed with God the Father and the Holy Spirit constituting the one Trinity, God. “IN THE BEGINNING THE WORD ALREADY EXISTED. THE WORD WAS WITH GOD THE FATHER, AND THE WORD WAS GOD. HE EXISTED IN THE BEGINNING WITH GOD THE FATHER. GOD THE FATHER CREATED EVERYTHING THROUGH HIM, AND NOTHING WAS CREATED EXCEPT THROUGH HIM. THE WORD GAVE LIFE TO EVERYTHING THAT WAS CREATED, AND HIS LIFE BROUGHT LIGHT TO EVERYONE. THE LIGHT SHINES IN THE DARKNESS, AND THE DARKNESS CAN NEVER EXTINGUISH IT” (JN. 1:1-5 NLT). The book of Romans informs us about the racial ancestry of the Messiah Son’s otherwise called Jesus the Christ. It also informs us about His divinity, that is He is God: “ABRAHAM, ISAAC, AND JACOB ARE THEIR ANCESTORS, AND CHRIST HIMSELF WAS AN ISRAELITE AS FAR AS HIS HUMAN NATURE IS CONCERNED. AND HE IS GOD, THE ONE WHO RULES OVER EVERYTHING AND IS WORTHY OF ETERNAL PRAISE! AMEN (RM. 9:5 NLT). The book of Philippians informs us how the Christ been God manifested on earth as a Human (Man) and humbled Himself before God the Father hence the Father elevated His Name, Jesus above all names in heaven and on earth and under the earth. “YOU MUST HAVE THE SAME ATTITUDE THAT CHRIST JESUS HAD. THOUGH HE WAS GOD, HE DID NOT THINK OF EQUALITY WITH GOD THE FATHER AS SOMETHING TO CLING TO. INSTEAD, HE GAVE UP HIS DIVINE PRIVILEGES; HE TOOK THE HUMBLE POSITION OF A SLAVE AND WAS BORN AS A HUMAN BEING. WHEN HE APPEARED IN HUMAN FORM, HE HUMBLED HIMSELF IN OBEDIENCE TO GOD THE FATHER AND DIED A CRIMINAL’S DEATH ON A CROSS. THEREFORE, GOD THE FATHER ELEVATED HIM TO THE PLACE OF HIGHEST HONOR AND GAVE HIM THE NAME ABOVE ALL OTHER NAMES, THAT AT THE NAME OF JESUS EVERY KNEE SHOULD BOW, IN HEAVEN AND ON EARTH AND UNDER THE EARTH, AND EVERY TONGUE CONFESS THAT JESUS CHRIST IS LORD, TO THE GLORY OF GOD THE FATHER” (PH. 2:5-13 NLT). All religions and even some Christian community classify God entirely invisible. This will mean that nobody has ever seen or can ever see God. However, here we have the Christ Jesus the revealed, Human God. So the book of Colossians help us with tremendous and reasonable understanding that not all the Trinity members are after all invisible in that Christ Jesus is the Visible God among the three. “CHRIST IS THE VISIBLE IMAGE OF THE INVISIBLE GOD. HE EXISTED BEFORE ANYTHING WAS CREATED AND IS SUPREME OVER ALL CREATION, FOR THROUGH HIM GOD THE FATHER CREATED EVERYTHING IN THE HEAVENLY REALMS AND ON EARTH. HE MADE THE THINGS WE CAN SEE AND THE THINGS WE CAN’T SEE—SUCH AS THRONES, KINGDOMS, RULERS, AND AUTHORITIES IN THE UNSEEN WORLD. EVERYTHING WAS CREATED THROUGH HIM AND FOR HIM. HE EXISTED BEFORE ANYTHING ELSE, AND HE HOLDS ALL CREATION TOGETHER. CHRIST IS ALSO THE HEAD OF THE CHURCH, WHICH IS HIS BODY. HE IS THE BEGINNING, SUPREME OVER ALL WHO RISE FROM THE DEAD. SO HE IS FIRST IN EVERYTHING. FOR GOD THE FATHER IN ALL HIS FULLNESS WAS PLEASED TO LIVE IN CHRIST, AND THROUGH HIM GOD THE FATHER RECONCILED EVERYTHING TO HIMSELF. HE MADE PEACE WITH EVERYTHING IN HEAVEN AND ON EARTH BY MEANS OF CHRIST’S BLOOD ON THE CROSS” (COL. 1:1-15 NLT). Colossians chapter 2 compliments and clarifies what chapter 1:15-20 says about Jesus the Christ that He is the Visible God among the Trinity. So when Scripture states about Christ Jesus that: “FOR IN CHRIST LIVES ALL THE FULLNESS OF GOD IN A HUMAN BODY” (Col. 2:9 NLT) this will mean that the two invisible Members of the Trinity, that is God the Father and the Holy Spirit both dwell in Christ Jesus the only Visible or Human God among the Trinity. NOW YOU DO KNOW JESUS CALLED THE CHRIST? WHO IS HE TO YOU, A CREATED OR DIVINE BEING? DID YOU KNOW THAT HE IS YOUR CREATOR AND SAVIOR GOD? HAVE YOU NOW ESTABLISHED INTER-PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH HIM? HOW BEST ARE YOU WILLING TO CHERISH AND ADORE HIM IN YOUR LIFE? IN THIS MATERIALISTIC WORLD, IS JESUS THE CHRIST THE CENTER AND THE PASSION OF YOUR LIVE? HOW FAR ARE YOU WILLING TO LIVE YOUR LIFE FOR HIM? May the Lord God bless you even for more understanding about Him? Rev. Kwame Ankoma-Amoa.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 04:31:01 +0000

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