WHY UPND WOULD BE BAD FOR DEMOCRACY??? Since the time of - TopicsExpress


WHY UPND WOULD BE BAD FOR DEMOCRACY??? Since the time of independence, 50 years ago, we have struggled as a nation to usher in public office leaders that promote the freedom of expression among other aspects of democratic Governance. From UNIP to MMD and now PF, the promotion and respecting of divergent views has been far - fetched from the political spectrum. The Public Order Act is used to keep away opposition leaders from interacting with the general citizenry while the public media is used as a propaganda tool for the ruling party. This has not changed since independence day. I stand to be corrected that there is a causal link between the development status of the nation and the level of participation of its citizens in questioning decisions of its leaders on national policy issues. Unfortunately in Zambia, the general populace is not consulted on how they should be governed and a few of those who question the manner in which Government conducts its business as portrayed as enemies of the state. Each time we go for elections we expect things to change but to no avail. As an old adage goes, charity begins at home. When you look at how the UPND react to criticism for e.g how they reacted to Hon Given Lubindas remarks that it is impossible for the opposition to unseat the PF in 2016, there is a clear indication that they dont take criticisms or divergent views lightly. If I may ask, how many people have been maligned, ridiculed and discredited by UPND leaders opinion? Worse by their members just like PF members will even go as far as creating and managing bogus like pages with a sole purpose to slander those not in support of UPND. If UPND can do that while in the opposition what can happen if it had full control of the public media and the instruments of power? Leadership comes with responsibility and those seeking it should begin to act in a more humane, mature and responsible manner. Set themselves apart from those they are trying to wrestle power from. And that begins with allowing divergent views and thereby respecting those with a different opinion. When people argue on anything, which is normal, let them do so with civility and respect. UPND especially its members should never complain about PF if they act in the same manner from different positions. Going by their inability to take criticisms let alone accommodate and respect divergent views, UPND may not be good for democracy just as bad as PF is. Kulibe difference.
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 03:59:34 +0000

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