WHY VOTE 4 YERO In contemporary Nigerian politics, criticism - TopicsExpress


WHY VOTE 4 YERO In contemporary Nigerian politics, criticism against those in power has become so cheap. It has become a stock in trade for quack journalists and failed politicians, in their desperate struggle for space and recognition in the society. While we cannot blame many in that ignoble class of society, who always consider their stomachs ahead of public good, it is however unfair on their part to deliberately misinform the people in pursuit of personal gain. In recent times, several faceless arm chair critics have inundated various media platforms (especially social media) with numerous frivolous accusations against the administration of Kaduna State Governor, Mukhtar Ramalan Yero. Many of such write ups laced with political motives have no iota of regard for simple human ethics of fairness and objectivity. The authors feign ignorance to the prevailing atmosphere in Kaduna State prior to December 16, 2012, in comparison to the last 22 months. They also choose to turn blind eyes to the achievements recorded within the period. From the onset and to clarify those accusing the administration of lack of agenda; the focus of the Yero administration is to ensure security, peace and unity as well as provide critical infrastructure and human capital development. To lead this five-part clarification (rather than respond to any critics), it is pertinent to review the security situation in the State since the emergence of Yero as Governor of the State. The Nigerian Constitution clearly provides that security is paramount responsibility of government. If this is true, then the administration of Governor Mukhtar Ramalan Yero has performed above average in its clearly defined cardinal objective of securing the State. To remind some forgetful heads, Kaduna was fast becoming a major theatre of terrorists activities in 2012. Several people were killed across the State beginning with the post presidential election violence of 2011 to the many bomb blasts. On his assumption of office, Governor Yero through genuine collaboration with all stakeholders in the State including; traditional rulers, elders, clergy, community leaders and security agencies, was able to improve security situation in most parts of the State. In the last 22 months, Kaduna has witnessed just two blasts which were clearly targeting some prominent persons in the State. That ugly incident was also efficiently managed and prevented from being exploited by enemies of the State to cause a major crisis. This is by no means a great achievement because without safety, no meaningful growth can be achieved. In the same manner, some of the arm chair critics have forgotten so quickly, how marauders attacked and killed dozens of people in communities, especially in Birnin Gwari and Giwa Local Government Areas. Since 2013, the Yero administration has sustained efforts at checking the activities of cattle rustlers and other criminal gangs operating in those areas. Today, security situation in Brinin Gwari, Giwa and environs have improved and this is thanks to the courageous intervention of security forces supported by the administration. Critics may be quick to point at the attacks in Southern Kaduna, which is unfortunate. However, the attacks in Southern Kaduna are also another clear effort by enemies of Kaduna State to sustain a theatre of bloodshed for their selfish aim. The intentions of those behind the attacks are obviously to sow seeds of discord and acrimony amongst the diverse people of the State. A careful observation of the situation will expose a satanic strategy that now focus on areas that were hitherto peaceful. In recent times, the attacks are more in Sanga, Kaura etc; areas that have remained peaceful in spite of past crises in the State. After all such attacks, Governor Yero was always quick to provide relief and assistance to victims. It is on record that the administration paid compensation for rebuilding of houses and places of worship burnt during the attack in Kaura. The administration never ignored victims of any attacks or major disasters in the State. The Governor or his deputy was always physically present at location of such incidences to commiserate with the people and also providing them with assistance. Governor Yero had envisaged such antics when he initiated the community based peace and security model in 2013. Soon after assuming office, the Governor held peace and security summits across the State. Each of the three zones hosted such summits where stakeholders met to deliberate on ways to engender lasting peace and security across the State. This model of citizens participation in peace building was also replicated at community levels to ensure that people participate in bringing peace to their areas. It is true that peace cannot be sustained with the barrel of gun, but through the genuine willingness of the people to tolerate one another and to cohabit peacefully. The Yero peace building model has effectively improved peace in most parts of the State. This success story may have infuriated some evil doers to seek ways of denting the laudable credentials of the governor in this regards. It is unfortunate that while such men are willing to play politics with blood of innocent people, they have conscripted spin doctors to wage smear campaign against Government of the day. Their goal is to portray Government as incompetent and unable to protect the people. This is evident in the reactions that trail most of such attacks. It is incontrovertible that Kaduna State witnessed improved security, peace and calmness in the last 22 months. That alone is a plus for the Yero administration. For the benefit of the general public, the peace and security that is presently being enjoyed in most parts of the State was not by accident, but a result of clearly defined strategy. On assumption of office, Governor Yero procured modern patrol vehicles for the State joint security outfit- Operation Yaki.This is followed by providing logistic support to all divisional police headquarters in the State. Presently, all security services in the State have benefitted from assistance provided by the State Government and this is verifiable. In addition, the Governor in his aim of ensuring community surveillance signed the Vigilante Service Law. Today, most communities are enjoying the services of the State Vigilante, which is another security initiative of the Yero administration. It is expected that those in the business of politicising every issue ahead of 2015 should give credit where necessary. That is a major requirement in constructive criticism. No amount of spin can falsify the fact that, Governor Yero has passed the major constitutional requirement in governance-security of life and property of the people. With all sane parameters, Yero deserves to be elected in 2015 based on his performance in ensuring security, peace and unity in the State. While they struggle in vain to soil the good works of Governor Yero, we shall not relent in providing the people with accurate information on the achievements so far recorded vis-a-vis the challenges. In subsequent parts, the people will know how much success has been recorded in education, agriculture, health, water supply, roads construction and human capital development. In the people shall be judges when they also know the debt burden of the State and the administrations that took most of the loans.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 09:38:39 +0000

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