WHY WAKE UP AT 5am EVERY MORNING? - by Robin Sharma - The - TopicsExpress


WHY WAKE UP AT 5am EVERY MORNING? - by Robin Sharma - The spartan warriors once said HE WHO SWEATS MORE IN TRAINING, BLEEDS LESS IN WAR ...So at 5am to 6am every morning, you need to use this time to prepare your mind, body and spirit for what every the day ahead throws at you. - Will power is like a muscle. So as you go about your day, making new choices, and achieving new little wins, your will power will start to deplete, and you begin to start feeling tired. When you first get up, your will power is at its strongest, and by getting up at 5am you will be able to do things more easily than you would, later on in the day. - The hour from 5am - 6am is just an incredible hour. Between 5am - 8am You have: THE MOST WILL POWER THE MOST MENTAL FOCUS THE MOST ENERGY If you use the hours from 5am - 8am well, you will get more done in a day, than most people will get done in a month. - Getting up at 5am gives you an enormous psychological edge. It gives you incredible mental confidence. ...So heres HOW - - According to research (as stated in the video below) it takes 66 days to install a new habit. 66 days to hardwire a new habit into your brain. 66 days of getting up at the EXACT same time, every single day, going through the difficulty and uncomfort of installing a new habit, until it becomes the new norm for you. Remember, Change is hard at the beginning, messy in the middle and it is gorgeous at the end - Robin Sharma. - So get up at the SAME TIME EVERY SINGLE DAY. - Build a morning ritual around the #5amClub with the 20/20/20 Rule: - 5:00-5:20am: EXERCISE. It will shift your mind, automatically, youll boost your metabolism, and have more energy, even if and when you dont feel like it. - 5:20-5:40am: REVIEW your daily action plan and review your goals. It will give you focus and inspiration. - 5:40-6:00am: LEARN. Read, listen to an audio book, or learn something new off YouTube. THE WORLD BELONGS TO LEARNERS. AS YOU KNOW MORE, YOU CAN ACHIEVE MORE. TO DOUBLE YOUR INCOME, TRIPLE YOUR RATE OF LEARNING. - SCHEDULE your 5am 20/20/20 Routine (Exercise, review, learn) into your diary or calendar. THE THINGS THAT GET SCHEDULED ARE THE THINGS THAT GET DONE. VAGUE GOALS LEAD TO VAGUE RESULTS. :) To help you to wake up early and refreshed, dont take your iPhone or iPad, to bed with you. Prepare yourself for a goodnights rest and no checking Facebook, Twitter, or any other social platform in bed, no newspapers, leave everything that stimulates your mind out of the bedroom. - Put your alarm clock away from the bed. It will force, or at least help you to get up. - Literally JUMP out of bed! :) WILL POWER DOESNT REALLY WORK, RITUALS WORK. ...Once you create a ritual, then you create a habit. So there...I hope this helps to motivate or at least inspire you to get up at 5am, like I will start to...it will be a struggle at first, but remember - it takes 66 days to create a new habit. And think of just how much more you could get done, and how great you will feel!! :)
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 03:11:59 +0000

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