WHY WE LACK MENTORS Someone once said that Africa lack hero - TopicsExpress


WHY WE LACK MENTORS Someone once said that Africa lack hero because we dont know how to appriate them when they are alive.I have had to stop Mentoring some people and I have some who call me Mentor by mouth but i dont consider them as protege.why? 1)Paparazzi Syndrome. I have notice that some people just love the paparazzi of handing around great people and shouting that those people are their Mentor,meanwhile nothing about those people reflect in their lives.Mentorship is about duplication of success.If you clame someone is your mentor and lack result like your mentor then,you are a fake son.Dont just hang around&take pictures with great people,try and duplicate their success.Discover what make them tick&practise it. 2)Pride We have a very proud generation that lack understanding of how to relate,hence we get turned down.Have a humbled&Respectful approach to talk to people,it will take you far and the things mentors need is humility and honor.If you want someone to Mentor you,give them this two things. 3)Formerly Request&Protect the Brand If your propective mentor is reachable physically,then formerly ask to be mentored.Many will test you before allowing you to their inner cycle But once you are accepted protect your mentors interest and image.You dare not say something wrong about Bishop before me.You are in trouble.Genuinely honor your mentor in their presence&absence. 4)Thinking Result Means being the Boss. That you have money and fame shouldnt make you arrogant to your local pastor or mentors.Tiger wood by his father.Many still dont know Serena William&Venus fathers name.My first ever Mentor was my proprietor,hes late.The person who lead me to Christ is not famous but this people will ever be my Heros.Dont ever forget your sources as thats the key to contineous flow of grace.Happy Sunday,Enjoy your evening. Stephen Akintayo |Business&Family Coach|Speaker|Author|Digital MarketingConsultant|BBPin: 51405A7E|@stephenakintayo
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 06:33:01 +0000

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