WHY WE SAY NO TO PRESIDENT GOODLUCK EBELE JONATHAN! ITS NOT ABOUT HIS RELIGION! ALSO NOT BECAUSE OF WHERE HE COMES FROM!! Friends I am delighted to present to you about twenty reasons in the first instance why President Jonathan should not be re-elected by Nigerians. I hope the Jonathanians will objectively prove me wrong. I will be more than fulfilled if you can please add your own reasons why my honourable President should go back to Otuoke to enjoy his loot peacefully as others are doing in their respective villages/towns. 1. Nigeria experienced worst security situation during his more than four years misrule 2. President Jonathan increased fuel price from N65 to N97 and he is still planning to increase the price which has made most Nigerians paupers, 3. During the 2010 Independence celebrations,President Jonathan defended terrorist attack claiming a bomb blast was not by MEND which MEND claimed responsibility for, later. 4. No Nigerian has ever been killed during recruitment exercise but during the current administration about a score of lives was lost during an irresponsible recruitment. Even now the youth corps members are to cough out N4000 as call up letter fee; mind you it has never happened before. 5. During the present regime some more than 200 chibok girls were abducted and our President initially debunked it as mere opposition propaganda, more than four months gone the Chibok girls are still in custody of their abductors. 6. No Nigerian Judge has ever been beaten up in his/her chamber but recently a high court judge in Ekiti State was mercilessly beaten up by thugs while security operatives watched with so much joy. Read on after the cut…. 7. During this present administration of Goodluck Jonathan a new innovation was made in the field of mathematics where 7>25 and 16>19 respectively 8. During this administration the amount of power generated reduced drastically to less than 3000mw from close to 5000mw and despite privatizing the power sector electricity is still a luxury and scarce commodity in most homes across the country. 9. President Jonathan in his wisdom awarded security of oil pipeline to his kinsmen who were. former militants and thereby promoting the highest oil theft ever witnessed in this country. Owing to this theft which the President lack capacity to curb the Federal government now deducts the revenue accruing to states illegally. 10. President Jonathan is the first Nigerian President to define the word “Corruption” in a Nigerian way where stealing is not Corruption, he further said at a public forum that corruption is not our problem. Corruption has grown unabated and has eaten so deep to the fabric of this nation to the delight of Mr. President. 11. During President Jonathan administration some $20b was alleged to have been stolen (be missing) and the only explanation we heard from our president is that if such money was stolen America will know because it is their money. 12. The Minister of Petroleum was alleged to have mismanaged about N10b to maintain her official jet uptill now she is still enjoying the protection of Mr. President. Recall that a minister in of the African countries just mentioned how he would make $1 or 2m and he was sacked immediately. 13. During this present administration a private jet belonging to a cleric was used to smuggled about $10m out of the country to South Africa and our government came in handy to defend this criminal act where as son of an “opponent”governor was arrested and is being prosecuted for not declaring $50,000 14. Our President publicly admitted that there are terrorist in his government and uptill today none of the identified terrorist in government has been prosecuted. 15. It is only our President who is delighted at courting named terror sponsor and who is incredibly our President envoy to Chad. 16. As a fall out to the disposition of our President to the issue of corruption the Anti-graft agencies have remained moribund through the life of this administration using rule of law as a cover. 17. President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan has divided Nigerians along ethnic and religious lines. No time in the past have we been so divided. 18. None of the electoral promises of President Jonathan has been fulfilled till date. No potable water, No stable power supply, none of the federal roads was thoroughly rehabilitated but patched and education has enjoyed continuous dwindling to its minimal level. 19. It is only during the present administration of President Jonathan that the first Lady possesses more power than an elected governor. 20. No President during this dispensation who promised to adhere to rule of law like the current President has flouted the electoral laws like President Jonathan. Source: Bayo Adeyinka
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 08:51:31 +0000

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