WHY YOU PAY MORE FOR A CUSTOM CAKE FROM A PROFESSIONAL I am going to take you on a journey that you need to be on to understand. So when you purchase ingredients for a cake there are high costs that go into this. So you buy your ingredients and then you figure how high am I needing this cake to be. Is it one Tier , two tier or three tier? How many does it have to feed?( There is a chart for this ) . Keep in mind each tier has three layers of cake we need to bake for. We figured out that Jane Doe needs a two tiered cake and she wants it to be a Bubble Guppies theme , just an example. So the planning of what this cake is going to look like is underway. Of course we wont know exactly what it looks like until its complete. A few hours spent online to get inspiration . Even with photos that customers provide, no cake will look the same (this is to be expected with different skill levels) So planning is complete . We make the figurines or other decorations ahead of time. This could take 1 hour to 4 hours depending on the work. The cakes are baked and now you need the filling. Do they need one or two flavours? Two flavours means two bowls to mix with two different flavours all completed after a big batch of buttercream is made using only real BUTTER. This is probably the most expensive ingredient we use besides cocoa powder for chocolate cakes. This process takes us about 25 minutes for each batch. So our cakes are cooled and leveled . The buttercream is made and now we fill . Time to clean up the dishes , sanitize and clean counters in the mean time for our next process. Oh we have another cake to do as well, so that one is in the oven baking. Time to dirty ice the cake , chill and then ice again. When icing the cakes , they should be level. Any little tilt will throw the whole cake off. Then we cover with fondant which is the most grueling task if anyone out there knows what fondant is like to work with. Sometimes it tears and sometimes it just doesnt work. As someone who has played with fondant , I know what the tricks are to make it pliable and not tear. If it does, well we start over. Next we let the cake set in the fridge for a good while . After the cakes are set, we need to stack them. Several tools such as straws , dowels and thin cake boards are used to do this. Cake is very fragile and will crush the bottom tier if not properly supported( learned this the hard way ) . We airbrush the cake if we need to ( this is very messy) , create texture to the cake and add decorations . Oh but we need to stick all the decorations on , so we make an edible glue. The bubble guppie characters are all done and now we stratigically place them on our cake. We stick a dowel right in the centre so its well supported during travel. Write a happy birthday and we are complete. Now we need to take our photos and clean up the mess in the kitchen and decorating table then on to the next cake. After all the time and expenses in a project like this such as time in labour, supplies, ingredients etc we still have to pay for our overhead expenses such as the water we used , the electricity and every little detail that comes with it. Being a licensed kitchen you need to follow every procedure. its no wonder you pay a lot for a custom cake. We do every cake with love and skill as its a personalized project for that one special person. So keep this in mind when ordering a custom cake. These are no easy task but the final outcome should all be worth it. Dessert cakes on the other hand, a Piece OCake !
Posted on: Wed, 28 May 2014 11:52:02 +0000

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