WHY YOU SHOULD STOP EATING PROCESSED FOODS As most of you know, I - TopicsExpress


WHY YOU SHOULD STOP EATING PROCESSED FOODS As most of you know, I truly believe we are slowly destroying ourselves with the tremendous amount of sugar, salt and fat (not to mention poisons and synthetic compounds) we put into our body from processed foods. If you have been reading my posts, you also already know that I have gone away from eating any processed foods- that is basically everything that sells in a bag, a box, a package, or for the most part, a can. There are many reasons to quit eating processed foods. Here are several of the main reasons: 1) THIS LOW FAT JARGON IS A FRAUD Since the low-fat craze began in the 1980s, Americans have gotten fatter each and every year as a whole. One reason- low fat products are stripped of conjugated Linoleic acid, a healthy fat shown to fight weight gain and cancer. In addition, most low fat items contain more sugar than the regular version of the product. 2) CEREALS ARE DANGEROUS Residues off more than 70 pesticides have been found in individual boxes of cereal. Most cereals contain genetically modified ingredients. 3) A SHORTER LIFESPAN A 2012 study published in The Journal for Public Nutrition found that people who cooked fresh food at home at least 5 times per week were 47 more times more likely to be alive after 10 years than the people who relied more on processed or fast foods. READ THAT AGAIN- 47 TIMES!!! 4) NEVER-ENDING HUNGER It is a proven fact that added sugar, specifically high fructose corn syrup that is found in almost all processed foods, is deadly if taken over a long period of time, And creates an appetite that is increased greatly. 5) COLORFUL LIES Processed foods, even pickles, cake mixes, and healthy juices- usually contain food dyes that make food appear fresher and more colorful. 6) JUNK FOOD TENDENCIES Added sugar is the trick that makers of processed foods use to get you hooked, along with salt and fat. Princeton researchers found that eating sugar triggers the release of opioids, the same reaction that your brain has to morphine and heroin. After 21 days on a high-sugar diet, you could start showing signs of withdrawal if taken off of sugar- chattering teeth, anxiety, and depression. 7) FAST FOODS AND SUGAR CAUSE BREATHING PROBLEMS The fact is, kids who eat fast food and higher concentrations of sugar at least 3 times per week face a higher risk of developing asthma, possibly due to processed foods ability to create inflammation in the body. 8) ACCELERATED AGING Studies have shown that processed foods greatly add to the aging process over natural foods. Eat enough of them, and your face will actually start to look like crinkle-cut fries! 9) YOU ARE PASSING THIS HERITAGE ON TO YOUR KIDS Every time you Settle for fast food or processed foods, you are teaching your kids how they are supposed to eat as well. Do you really want to pass that trait on to them? In my next few posts, I will get into specifics about how these major food companies are entrapping us in this processed food game, and how they are INTENTIONALLY doing it! From now on, just go by the rule that If God made the product you are eating, its probably pretty good for you. If there are names of things in the list of ingredients that you cant pronounce and dont know what they are, put it back on the shelf. Have a great day- make the most of it.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 21:15:21 +0000

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