WHY the Kosher Shop? This is what I thought to myself when that - TopicsExpress


WHY the Kosher Shop? This is what I thought to myself when that second holdup was named during the manhunt the day after the Charlie killings. الفار بيلعب فى عبى . Time will show ..... And so it did. I got my answer very quickly and very clearly. When the fight against terrorism, which became the fight against Fundamental Islam, or just against Islam, is finally all about fighting for the safety of the threatened, peace loving Juives. I know that attacking religious beliefs is totally permissible, to ridicule, to find fault with, to mock, thats perfectly alright. Something to be proud of, Freedom of Speech. And theres no limit to that, you can really give it your all! But I choose to respect other religions, including Judaism. Freedom of Choice! Zionism? Thats another story... Terrorism and Islam are mentioned in one breath these days... Hey! It wasnt so long ago, so why have we all forgotten. Think back, who actually did invent TERRORISM? Right here in our Island of Zamalek, who bombed and destroyed in a horrific terrorist attack? Yes, in that very same place where we now have two blocks of elegant apartment buildings... And go back a bit more right up to the twenties of the last century, youll find who invented, and who started. A whole string of murderous attacks, many, many innocent deaths. And isnt it still going on........... ?
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 22:21:17 +0000

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