WIDOW LEEDS Doctor how am I gonna explain this strange baby to my - TopicsExpress


WIDOW LEEDS Doctor how am I gonna explain this strange baby to my children?What on earth can I tell them? DR.BARLETT Tell them the Gods honest truth Norma thats all you can do. WIDOW LEEDS What is the Gods honest truth doctor,dont even know myself. DR.BARLETT Its the curse that done this Norma theres no other explanation. WIDOW LEED What curse...what are ya talkin about doctor? DR.BARLETT I knowd your Granny May Beth and your Momma Ruth Ann and told you about the witches curse on the Leeds family cause they told me so. WIDOW LEEDS I never believed any of that,I thought it was just an ol wives tale. DR.BARLETT They thought you needed to know in case somethin strange happened. WIDOW LEEDS Well nothin could be stranger than this.Momma and Granny told me lots of stories about witches and magic but I never believed any of them...until now. DR.BARLETT Norma them stories is all true every last one of them.A pine witches curse is the worst kind,powerful and evil.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 18:17:27 +0000

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