WILL DISCOVERED OF ALEXANDER THE GREAT - I AM Cata ALEXANDER THE GREAT (JULY 356 BC – JUNE 323 BC) ALBANIAN LEK~S’ANDER, LEKA I MADH, PROUD TO BE ILLYRIAN’S OR ALBANIAN’S ~ GOD BLESSED ILLYRIANS, ALBANIANS IN THE WORLD...! ALEXANDER THE GREAT - LEKA I MADH ~ ILLYRIAN - ALBANIAN LEK~S’ANDER OSE U LE, U LIND SI NË ANDËR OSE ËNDËR...? Prominent Italian researcher Lucia Nadin has discovered a testament to Alexander the Great in which he addresses the people of Shkodra giving them a territory in administration and addressing the word that he was “sucker seed Illyrians“. The document is published these days by the Italian researcher who has done scientific research for Alexander the Great. In his letter of Shkodra, Scutari Alexander the Great writes : I Alexander, son of Philip, king of the Macedonians, the embodiment of the monarchy, the creator of the Ancient Empire, the son of Zeus, Brahamanëve interlocutor and trees, the sun and moon, triumphant over the kings of the Persians Medëve, where the Lord of the World born and where the sun sets, from North to South, seed sucker outstanding Illyrian peoples of Dalmatia and Liburnisë and other peoples of the same language that populate the Danube and the central area of Thrace, brings love, peace and my greetings and all those who follow the rule of the world . Because you re always shown strong faith and indomitable side battles made me polish and deliver you in possession of all the free space Akuilonit up on the edge of southern Italy. Nobody else but you do not dare to set and stay in those places and if found any stranger, it could stand alone as your slave, and his descendants would be slaves to your descendants. Castle was written in the city of Alexandria, founded by me majestic Nile river edge in XII . Willingly honored the gods in my kingdoms, Zeus, Mars, Pluto and Minerva, god of gods. Witness to this act are Athlete, My logotheti, and 11 other princes, who I will appoint as my successor and throughout the World, as dying without leaving descendants. (The will is discovered and translated from Italian researcher Lucia Nadin, which she presented in scientific research, the Statute de Scutari, della prima meta del XVI leads secolo let addizioni grout al 1469 , the cura di Lucia Nadin, giogno 2002 Rome). voal - online.ch WILL DISCOVERED of Alexander the Great - I AM Cata------>>>voal-online.ch/index.php?mod=article&cat=INTERVIST%C3%8BPRESS&article=40071
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 13:14:15 +0000

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