WILL GOD SEND ME TO HELL JUST BECAUSE I DON’T BELIEVE IN JESUS? No, you go to hell because you have sinned! You don’t die because you don’t go to the doctor – you die because you have a disease! You don’t go to hell because you don’t believe in Jesus – you go to hell because you have sinned. Of course you might prevent death by going to the doctor who will help you get healed. In the same way, you might prevent an eternity in hell by going to Jesus Christ, the Great Physician. He alone can heal your sin disease by curing you with His precious blood. According to the Bible, after death, there are only two states – you are either WITH GOD – which is Heaven, or WITHOUT GOD – which is Hell. Do you honestly think that God will force you to go to Heaven forever if you have chosen to be without Him now? How come that sounds unfair to people? The way people word the question makes God seem to be at fault here, but God is merely giving man what He wants. If you choose to express your free-will and go your own way, God will most certainly not override your will and make you serve Him. God will honor your choice. If you don’t want God now, then you won’t want God in eternity. You might not like the ultimate choice, but you will not want to get out of it. I find it very interesting that in the story of the rich man and Lazarus, the rich man is tormented in the flames in Hell, but he makes no effort to exit Hell; he just doesn’t want his brothers to go to Hell themselves. (see Luke 16:28) God is merely giving man what man desires; God is not the guilty one in this scenario. Hell is a gesture of Gods respect to the choice of man. All get what they actually choose - either to be with God and worshipping Him or be without God, worshiping themselves. Make no mistake about it - sin is the problem and Jesus is the only answer! Think about it… John Muncy
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 05:23:55 +0000

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