WILL GODS CHOICE OF A SPOUSE BE GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU? Ignorance has always been the problem with many Christians hence the reason at every given opportunity they are always in a haste to condemn certain but important teachings. But I am thankful to God that I am not so ignorant especially, of the fact that God is still much interested and fully involved (that is, if we adhere to His ways) in our choice of who to marry even when He has left that responsibility to us (Proverbs 18: 22). That was why I plainly pointed out to us in the closing of my last post CHOOSING A SPOUSE IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY NOT GODS that there are cases though whereby, by ASKING in prayer as seen in Matt.7:7-8, God shows to an individual his/her spouse with specific confirmation that I also added saying I would be sharing on with us. A biblical example of such notable scenarios is taken from Genesis 24:12-14. It is a beautiful story about Abrahams eldest servant prayer to God concerning the right spouse to choose for Isaac from among his masters kindred. Read the whole chapter of Genesis 24 for the full details. But here comes yet a recorded true life story of a dear brother in a certain Church: It was told that this brother whom I will like to call Chris, who in his late twenties asked God to show him his life partner. This thus became his major prayer to God at the time. In his prayer, he would say something like Father Lord, I ask according to Your Word to give me Your good and acceptable and perfect will lady to be my wife. One beautiful thing that was said about Bro. Chris was that had a unique calling from God and he was one who clearly hears whenever God speaks to him. So, each of the time he prayed this way, God would speak to him saying Son, I have given you the opportunity to make your choice and I will surely bless your marriage. Bro. Chris persistent in his request: he insisted that God shows him his life partner. So on one fateful Sunday morning, as he prayed his usual prayer regarding his life partner, God spoke to him just as he was about to step out of his house to go to Church saying: The Lord: Son I gave you the opportunity to make your choice of a wife and I will surely bless your marriage but you insisted that I give her to you. Now, My question is will My choice of a spouse be good enough for you? Bro. Chris: (With so much excitement he answered) Yes Lord, your choice is good enough for me. The Lord: Alright! Today, I will show her to you. As you walk close to the main entrance door to the Church, the first lady that would greet you is who Ive made my choice for you. Bro. Chris: Thank You Lord for your choice for me. Bro. Chris almost forgot to lock his door because he really cannot wait now to get to Church to meet Gods choice of a wife for him. Singing songs of gratitude to God Bro. Chris hurried up to Church and just as God had told him, as he walked close to the main entrance door to the Church, a dear sister whom I will also like to call Jen, that he knew and had been seeing also in Church for quite some time came out of the Church and with a kind smile greeted him. Sis. Jen: Good morning Bro. Chris and welcome to Church. Bro. Chris: God forbid! Sis. Jen: Brother, is everything alright? Bro. Chris: How can everything be alright when you are the first sister to greet me this morning, huh? Sis. Jen: But brother, it was just a greeting! Alright, I apologize if I got you angry by that. Anyways, you are welcome to Church. Sis. Jen left feeling embarrassed of what she could not fathom. Bro. Chris however, for couple of minutes stood outside waiting and expecting another sister to come out and till he entered inside the Church, no sister ever came out again. He could not bear to accept what happened a moment ago was orchestrated by God. He was so deed in his thought that for the first time in his life he reasoned perhaps he did not hear God well. And as he was just about to take a seat, God spoke to him saying: The Lord: Son, the sister who greeted you a while ago is your wife with whom I will surely bless your marriage. Bro. Chris: Lord, please, if this is a kind of joke, Im not interested at all. All I am asking of You is to give me someone I can call a wife. The Lord: That I have given to you already. Bro. Chris: Noooooooooo! It is not possible Lord. Bro. Chris unconsciously yelled out so loudly to the extent that the congregation were wondering what went wrong with him. All through the service that day he did not pay any attention order than pleading with God to give him a better option. He never heard God spoke to him on that matter again. Now, after a couple of months since he did not hear God speak to him on the matter anymore, Bro. Chris then resolved to do the finding himself holding claim to the Scripture in Proverbs 18: 22 that says Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD (KJV). He however, hooked up with another sister in Church which he was delighted in. Few months into their courtship, they got married. But mysteriously, on getting home after the reception, his wife suddenly slumped and died instantly. The same tragedy happened to the second wife he married after about two years later. He proceeded to the third one which almost claimed his life too. He had just finished with his third wedding and on their way home from Church, the car they drove in had a fatal accident that claimed the lives of everyone in it including his wife accept him the accident left half alive and half dead. For several months Bro. Chris was in coma and while in that condition, the Lord Jesus appeared and said to him: The Lord: Son, how many more innocent people would have to die because of your disobedience and failure to accept my choice of a wife for you as you requested? I allowed you to live because I want to give you another chance so you can accomplish the dream and vision I have given to you. But if after you have recovered from this condition, you still failed to accept my choice for you and went ahead to marry another sister, then, the grace that saves your life today would not be available next time. Bro. Chris: Lord, please forgive me. I am ready to do according as You have commanded. The Lord: You are forgiven son. The Lord then blew on him and immediately, he came out of coma. And the first thing he did was sent for his Pastor and narrated everything to him. Pastor Sam was really mad at him because he remembered vividly the day he voiced out so loudly in Church that Noooooooooo! It is not possible Lord. His annoyance with him was that he called impossible what God had already made possible for him even at his level of relationship with God. He allowed his flesh (his human faculties/senses) to rule over his spiritual faculties/senses and doubted Gods possibility. Whatsup with Sis. Jen? You might wonder why Bro. Chris reacted to her greetings! While growing up as a pretty young girl, unfortunately for her, she suffered from a very terrible ailment which led to the challenge she had with one of her legs. Even at 25, Sis. Jen was still as pretty as ever but the challenge with one of her legs seems to discourage any suitor that comes her way. Since it was not a situation she had wished for, Sis. Jen however, was left with no option than trust God for the right suitor for her. Well, Bro. Chris soon recovered from his sustained injury and was discharged from the Hospital. Through the intervention of Pastor Sam in the matter, Sis. Jen accepted to marry him. Few months later, they got married and God confirmed His promise to him as he was practically doing so well in everything he does barely two months into their marriage. A year later, Bro. Chris flew his wife abroad for a surgery on her leg, and after everything, Bro. Chris could not believe his eyes. He suddenly saw the exact physical quality of a woman that he had always have in mind that God would give to him but little did he know everything he ever desire for were inside Gods choice for him. I therefore pose this question to you all: Just like Bro. Chris, if you insist God choose for you a spouse which is wonderful though, would you be sincere enough to accept His preferred choice for you? Or would you rather prefer to do the finding yourself base on what He had said in Proverbs 18: 22?
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 23:27:29 +0000

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