WILL SNAKU HAVE A FUTURE OR A FUNNERAL? SNAKU is the rocking - TopicsExpress


WILL SNAKU HAVE A FUTURE OR A FUNNERAL? SNAKU is the rocking name now. It’s the most populous association according to latest survey. May be because of its program on KU FM. Yet it’s only early this year that I came to learn SNAKU meant ‘Student Nurses Association of Kenyatta University. At fourth year! ‘This is one of the very shameful concession and confession that I have ever accepted but with valid reasons as follow: then it was a briefcase association that was very active in taxing both time and money of which they were never accounted for. That was then. What of now? I mean the present time as you read this article. At the grand bash(word bash is an understatement for the event) I watched the pictorial presentation by the leading IT expert, Chris Manyala, and I so the sense of my sharp pen moving to compose these article that will immortalize the wonderful deeds of outgoing luminary leadership. Hut-tip to Masinde, Mbogori and the entire firebrand that composed the outgoing SNAKU leadership. You gave as a smile. Task now is for Mahlon and the group to perpetuate or frustrate (God forbid) the smile. Leadership is like a relay race. The incoming leaders have been given the leadership burton with a smile and we expect them to hand over the burton in the same manner. Mahlon no more lemons in SNAKU diet. There is a duo trifecta of areas that the outgoing SNAKU explored to turn the scars of SNAKU into stars and the lemons into lemonsades that always kept a smile on our faces. As the novel team embark on its duties let them look forward for prosperity but also have some historical consciousness. Honesty was number one on their to do list. It was there policy. Best it was. It’s what wired them together and with its ever increasing members. Every time i gave them my membership subscription fee I felt ‘my money is in my (not their) pocket.’ The fee was receipt able for accountability. In short there activities and its members was the reflection of its leadership. They emphasized this dictum that catapulted them into the heights of success. We have not heard of scams, scandals and frauds involving budgets that was in excess of thousands. Another area that Mr. Mbogori made several onslaughts and in-roads was the ability to delegate. Everyone was an expert. He was the best among the equal. Several committees were formed to accommodate most of the members. There was an electoral body (I was a senior member), sport committee led by an ambidextrous man by the names of Josphat Mutai (sources has it that he vied unsuccessfully for a post). Class representative was another amazing idea ever to be brought on board of SNAKU management. Level 4 were represented by one of the luminaries and gifted lady: Stella Nifa knows how to deal with her publics. All the friends and enemies of any member in that class are her friends-the word enemy is alien to her. Fourth years have since been having 100% membership subscription fee under her wonderful stewardship. These is the area that the incoming SNAKU should not overlook. Remember delegating is not a sign of weakness but strength. The other previous leaders downplayed it and SNAKU was an orgy of shame. SNAKU on Facebook, SNAKU on twitter (pronounced as twira), SNAKU on Google plus.That was their mantra This brings me to the next segment, Communication. You are all able to browse this article because of their efforts. In case of any SNAKU event it was broadcasted without discrimination to all its members. There is no one who was dismembered on the programs of expert show-a program in KU FM and other colossal of activities carried out. Another quality the outgoing SNAKU terrorized in full combat and with loyalty was commitment. They led by example. There is no greater motivation than seeing your boss working on trenches a alongside every one. On the day of bash I was pleasantly surprised by the humility, the modesty and the self-abasement of Mr. Mbogori taking away already used plates from members of SNAKU. That act conformed to the Zig Zigular words of wisdom that if you are too great to do small things then you are too small to do great things. A big hut-tip Mbogori. As if that is not enough, they also kept their word. Commitment is not only working hard but also delivering on promises. There will be a bash, it came to pass. There will be a program in KU FM, it came to pass. And many others. There is no single event that was left in a form of smoke and mirror. In the big basket of quality exuded by the Masinde group was creativity. Bear with me, SNAKU is like a thick forest with no road map. Its only creativity that made what SNAKU is today. Most of activities came out of creativity. There was no (and there will never be) set course for them to follow. If the incoming group expect a downhill task then let them expect a downfall too. This is the area that will determine whether SNAKU will have a future or a stately funeral, progression or retrogression, scaling the height of grace or vanquished by shame of grass. Their creativity will separate their dreams from reality. On the spiritual front it will be a fat lie that we are doing good. And the day of bash will tell it all not to mention the apogee and the culmination of the bash-just after salsa dance I mean. First there were two prayers. Robust starting prayer from one of SNAKU member who was chosen arbitrary (he was not in the program). Thanks to the emcee for his prudence to recognize this crucial segment. I understand Freddy (emcee of the day) is strongly in salvation. Then came an elision of prayer for meals that was thoroughly retrenched to keep our appetite intact on the sumptuous meals of the day. That was the only spiritual aspect I can complement the outgoing SNAKU. I understand we have a diversity of religion but that does not give as lee way to ignore faith based committees. We all worship one God. Surprisingly or perhaps even disappointingly, the nursing department is rich of well-grounded students on the field of salvation (for Christians) and Muslims who were not given a chance to wedge gospel into the faithful members. There was no, not even a single iota of faith based committee on the past administration. Yet we had leaders on that front. I don’t know of any BScN student in level 2 but for sure I know of this lady who leads in C.U major processions. She such an inspiration. Come to third years we have Masinde also in salvation. Level 4 was and still is another sacrosanct of salvation. We have Daniel, Martin, Abdisiraj (Muslim). All this brains were underutilized (if at all they were used). My humble appeal to the incoming leaders is to tap this rare sacred potentials so as we prosper in other fronts, let also spiritual front be inculcated in our activities. Lastly, I wish all the members of SNAKU all the best and may God grace the incoming leaders with wisdom as they take the burton of leadership. May God awaken their senses so that they may make a better jury. Let joy be the consequence of our votes. Amos Washika Mapesa. BScN Level 4 Washikamapesa28@gmail Outgoing member of SNAKU electrol body
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 15:17:53 +0000

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