WILL THE NEW VA SECRETARY KEEP HIS WORD ON 60 MINUTES SHOW Tonight the new VA Sec. stated that it was a disgrace that our veterans are not getting their disability, my question is will he keep his word that he will insure that all veterans will get the disability they earned. In my case the VA has cheated me of my rightful disability for over 37 years now, so do I believe anything will change any time soon, not just no but hell no, as long as the VA is controlled by the Union Contract our veterans will still get screwed & they will continue to draw their paychecks. The union can only survive as long as the VA continues to deny veterans their disability & if you believe that they are actually going to stop what they have been doing for 50 years your nuts. The VA has continued to violate the law under title 38 in my case for over 37 years & the VA now owes me nearly one Million Dollars in back disability & every day they find another way to continue to screw me out of what I earned & the VA continues to break the contract I signed when I joined at the age of 17. I put 14 years in both the Army & Air Force & I have 6 Honorable discharges from active duty assignments & the VA has never acted Honorable when it has come to my disability. Mr. Secretary I hope your not blowing smoke up our veteran butts, I know you sir are an honorably discharged veteran yourself & claim you care about our Veterans. All I ask is you prove it. Fire every Union member that denies a veteran their rightful disability & put veterans in their place, after all only another veteran should ever have the authority to deny another veteran their disability not some POS 22 year old Union ass wipe that has no idea what it even means to even be an Disabled American Veteran. Like was what happened to me back in 2011 when a 22 year old Union POS sat on my claim for 16 months after a one on one hearing & where I proved every thing I filed for was service connected only to have this piece of garbage Union shithead deny every issue stating I had not proven the NEXIS, BS if she had been a man I would have gone to jail because I would have beat the shit out of her for cheating me of my disability over a FKN paycheck.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 04:41:47 +0000

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