WILL THE REAL MKM PLEASE STAND UP!!!! Fellow Sierra Leoneans - TopicsExpress


WILL THE REAL MKM PLEASE STAND UP!!!! Fellow Sierra Leoneans and Noble Forumites the BELOW PICS are of the SAME GUY!! This guy happens to be our CURRENTLY POLITICALLY HOMELESS and future President of Sierra Leone WISHFUL THINKER who now goes by the name Mohamed K. Mansaray (some have even QUESTIONED the REALITY and LEGALITY OF HIS NAME)!! This GUY IS A MAJOR FRAUD, but we will analyze that in the COMMENT SECTION, for now I CALL YOUR ATTENTION BACK TO THE PICS!!!! The First PICTURE was taken when MKM was DELUSIONAL and BELIEVED HIMSELF to be a DARLING SON of APC. As you can see, here are STRUGGLING YOUTHS forced by HUNGER AND STARVATION to carry him ON THEIR HEADS for MILES, as he PARADED HIMSELF as a KING!!! Like every other EGOMANIAC; who has ALSO been exposed to be an INCESTIOUS PREDATOR of WOMEN at HOME AND ABROAD and NEGLECTOR OF the SPOILS OF HIS LOINS, his ENTIRE KINGDOM was ALL IN HIS HEAD!!!! APC publicly DENOUNCED HIM, claiming he was NOT EVEN A MEMBER of the Anyampi Political Criminals (A.P.C) and BARRED MKM (as he is fondly called by his SYNDICATE OF THIEVES masquerading as SUPPORTERS) from EVER using their soiled name and symbol of an UNDERLINED SIZZLING HALF SUN!!! Upon having such unexpected news, this ADVANCED CRIMINAL, CHRONIC 419er, FORKED TONGUE HAVING CONNIVER and ABOMINABLE LIAR realized it was time to MORPH HIMSELF!!! With no were left to turn, he goes BACK TO THE YOUTHS he once DEMORALIZED on his HALLUCINATION of GRANDUER; HUMBLED and CASTRATED!!! Reminds me of a very popular saying; BECAREFUL OF THOSE YOU STEP ON WHEN CLIMBING...... This brings us to the second picture (another FRAUD I MAY EXPOSE in the COMMENTS); a more recent picture of the PREMATURE POLITICIAN who almost became a STILLBORN POLITICIAN in the hands of APC (we all know how bad their FREE HEALTHCARE SYSTEM can get) shows the once HAILED KING in his NATURAL ENVIRONMENT; CLEANING GARBAGE!!!! He would like you to think he is doing this out of LOVE FOR COUNTRY; but how comes he only FOUND THIS LOVE when he was HUMILIATED and SHUNNED??? For over a YEAR he was KING, parading towns in borrowed VEHICLES and STOLEN OUTFITS, he lifted not even his own TRASH from the road; now he has no political backing, he is doing PHOTO OPS in DUMPSTERS!!! IF A MAN coming from AMERICA as KING goes HOME, just to end up as a GARBAGE MAN what makes you think he has ANYTHING BETTER TO OFFER SIERRA LEONE? A man (I use that word in its LOOSEST FORM by the way) who cannot IMPROVE, rather DRASTICALLY DETERIORATE HIS OWN CONDITION is at home trying to convince people he will BETTER THEIR LIVES; WHO in their right minds will believe such PREPOSTEROUSITY? Fellow Sierra Leoneans, I urge you all to be VIGILANTE ahead of NEXT ELECTIONS; many WOLVES LURK the POLITICAL BUSHES hoping to prey on our SLUGGISH, WEARIED, DISAPPOINTED yet EXTREMELY NOURISHING LAND OF OUR BIRTH; Sierra Leone!!! WE ARE HER CHILDREN; we have not only a RIGHT, but an INATE DUTY to PROTECT and KEEP HER SAFE; the prize of failure come NEXT ELECTIONS will consume the HARDEST OF SPIRITS, as our NATION falls into UTTER DISREPAIR; an ABYSS of CALAMITOUS OCCURRENCES!!! This is NOT ABOUT HATE, but SUPERIOR to all of our PERSONAL HOPES AND DREAMS is the REALITY that SIERRA LEONE IS the ATHENS OF WEST AFRICA, house of the FIRST SCHOOL OF THOUGHT in our REGION, and a GATEWAY TO GREATNESS! We must STOP handing over her care to ROGUES and SCOUNDRELS. at some point, we NEED TO SAY: ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!! I dont know about ANYONE ELSE, but for me that TIME IS NOW... After NEXT ELECTIONS, we will either attain OUR PARADISE of a NATION, or settle to being the SCUM OF THE EARTH, RIDICULED and PITIED PEOPLE we are SLOWLY BECOMING, thx to the HEARTLESS and DEMONIC BEINGS we have so CALLOUSLY considered LEADERS!!! These RAPISTS of NATURAL RESOURCES are more concerned about the POTRUSION of their BELLIES and FATTENING of their BANK ACCOUNTS than they are by the GROWLING of their NEIGHBORS STOMACH! BUILDING MANSIONS at home and ABROAD, while our YOUTHS fight with the DEAD for a place to LAY THEIR HEADS at night!!! WE ARE SIERRA LEONEANS; EVEN AS STARK ILLITERATES, WE WERE BETTER THAN OUR CURRENT STATE; What went WRONG my PEOPLE??? ENOUGH IS ENOUGH; WE WILL STAND UP AND FIGHT; not with the BARREL OF THE GUN, NOR BY OUR FISTS, but BY using the GREAT MINDS and VALOR bestowed UPON US by the ALMIGHTY CREATOR. We WILL cease to be the EXPERIMENTAL LAND for every SCRUPULOUS CRIMINAL IMPERSONATING POLITICIANS!!! WE ARE MOVING FORWARD......
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 07:28:26 +0000

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