WILL THE VATICAN END UP TAKING JERUSALEM AFTER THE ISRAEL FALSE FLAG DESTROYING THE DOME OF THE ROCK AND THE AL AQSA MOSQUE?!?!? On April 15, 2014 Israel will issue a False Flag attack on the Temple Mount. To understand how I came up with this date, read my other post here: godlikeproductions/forum1/message2517197/pg1 Destroying the Temple Mount would enable the Jesuit General’s crusading Knights Templars, the present day Shriner Freemasons to rebuild Solomon’s Temple – for the Papal Caesar in Rome’s Vatican. -Sherry Shriner ~~~~~~~~~~~~ False Flag Attack by Israel and it Supporters The appointed time has arrived for the Jesuit General to destroy both the Dome of the Rock and the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, secretly using his CIA/Nazi-trained, Masonic Zionist Mossad in conjunction with his CIA/Nazi-trained, Masonic Islamic Intelligence Agencies, including Osama bin Laden’s MAK and Pakistan’s ISI. (Bin Laden is present on the I, Pet Goat 2 right before the bombing of the Dome, he is wearing an CIA insignia) (2:16) Reference Video: youtu.be/y9EH3DvTh10 thewatcherfiles/blackpope.htm This article was written in 2008, in which the jesuit general was Peter-Hans Kolvenbach. Actually the current general is Adolfo Nicolás. The person may be different, but the attack will come the same way. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What Does The Vatican Want? This essay will provide the background to that deal, as well as what the Vatican’s intentions are regarding Israel and The Old City Of Jerusalem. It will reveal which Israeli politicians made certain commitments to The Vatican regarding the issue of sovereignty in the Old City of Jerusalem. These negotiations and meetings were all carried out in secret. During this time period, 1992-l995, the Oslo Accords was what got all the publics attention. Oslo was like throwing sand in the eyes of the public. The Vatican is where the real action was happening. Oslo seemed to be just the cover story. A “red herring”, if you will. redmoonrising/chamish/vaticanagenda.htm youtu.be/aBnNqktvwCk ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jonathan Gray, author of the book Ark of the Covenant on, page 505 wrote the following: In 1994, the Vatican had signed an agreement with Israel to gain sovereignty over [holy sites in] Jerusalem. The city would stay in the capital of Israel, but would be administered by the Vatican. The city would have an Israeli mayor and a Palestinian mayor, both under orders from the Pope. Jerusalem would become a second Vatican. This seemed a little extreme, so I did a little more research and turned up the following: In a article looking at the relationship between the Jewish state and the Catholic church: A year and a half of complicated negotiations culminated with the signing of the Fundamental Agreement between the Holy See and the State of Israel on 30 December 1993. Then, in accordance with the Additional Protocol to the Fundamental Agreement, fully accredited ambassadors were exchanged in May 1994... bibleplus.org/prophecy/vatican_agmt.htm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Obama meets the Pope for the first time, 3 weeks before April 15, 2014 - Is this to discuss the false flag attack and plan for the Vatican to take over? reuters/article/2014/03/27/us-pope-obama-idUSBREA2P0UE20140327 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ World Leaders meet on March 24, 2014 - All wearing the Illuminati pyramid on their lapels - Is This a sign of the New World Order? youtu.be/fVOvcsIGkKM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What is in store once the Vatican takes Jerusalem? Is it to set the stage for the PROJECT BLUEBEAM or will they build a 3rd Temple of Soloman and declare the Antichrist? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Someone is digging under the Al aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. They are undermining the foundation of the temple to cause it to collapse “on its own.” Will the Masons rebuild the Temple of Solomon on top of it to prepare for the coming of their antichrist? The name “Mason” comes from the builders (masons) who erected the First Temple under King Solomon. “European and American Freemasonry draws all its allegories, symbolism, and future plans from the Jewish sacred writings known as the Old Testament. Since world events are being driven by European and American Freemasonry, this consideration is most important. awakenvideo.org/2011/12/solomons-temple/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Dome of the Rock is bombed in the Illuminati False Flag cryptic message video I, Pet Goat 2 My Analysis of the scene: Reference Video: youtu.be/y9EH3DvTh10 (3:02) 3 Stealth Planes Bomb the Dome The scene starts off with 3 stealth planes bombing the Dome. Stealth planes are usually associated with American secret operations. I am not sure if it will be America that truly bombs the Dome, because Israel might also have stealth planes which will be used for this attack. Either way, the False Flag will be produced by Israel, because America is Israels puppet. (3:06) Crows come out of the Dome Many crows come out of the destroyed Dome...this symbol could mean two things (or one, depending on how you look at it) 1. The crows symbolizes the Nigredo phase in Spiritual Alchemy. This could mean the three main religions will be decomposed in the psyche of man, a transformation period from Chaos to Understanding. The Crow symbolism in Satanism: The Black Sun, the Raven, the Crow, and the color black also symbolize the Nigredo [transformation] stage. The Black Sun is the astral Sun. (spiritualwarfare666.webs/Satanic_Symbols.htm) Nigredo, or blackness, in alchemy means putrefaction or decomposition. The alchemists believed that as a first step in the pathway to the philosophers stone all alchemical ingredients had to be cleansed and cooked extensively to a uniform black matter. (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nigredo) 2. The crows symbolizes the Dark Witchcraft hidden underneath which will be revealed and used against the World to instill the New World Order. Other traditional meanings associate the crow with bad omen, death, and DARK WITCHCRAFT. The crow also carries the power of prophetic insight and symbolizes the void or core of creation. (spiritanimal.info/crow-spirit-animal/) Freemasonry has always planned to gain control of the Temple Mount so they can rebuild Solomons Temple. As soon as they rebuild this Temple, their Masonic Christ will appear on the earth, claiming to be the Jewish Messiah for whom Israel has long been awaiting. This Christ will be the Biblical Antichrist. (Part 1- youtu.be/cFOP59vF7yA) (Part 2 -youtu.be/QW1qxIQzAb4) (Part 3 -youtu.be/aS0lo-ZhLis) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Illuminized Western Freemasonry has long desired to rebuild Solomons Temple on the Temple Mount. Masonic forces of the United Kingdom, United States, and Israel are absolutely determined to rebuild Solomons Temple. This plan will bring about World War III, Antichrist, and the beginning of the Tribulation. cuttingedge.org/News/n1643.cfm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PROJECT BLUEBEAM Some people feel that Project Blue Beam is part of a larger conspiracy involving NASA and the formation of a possible religion. This new religion, they feel, might be spearheaded by the Antichrist and could usher in a type of New World Order. Technological advances may play a role is this so-called second coming. sott.net/article/266398-Strange-Sounds-NASA-Blue-Beam-project-or-sign-of-apocalypse Here is an example of the Project: 10 foot Hologram - Project BlueBeam 2014 youtu.be/pdQiBS6VnXU Project Bluebeam and HARRP testing - theblaze/stories/2013/09/01/is-there-an-earthy-explanation-to-these-loud-whining-noises-supposedly-coming-from-the-sky-or-are-they-part-of-a-larger-worldwide-phenomenon/ This video is a compilation and sampling about the strange sounds around the world. Million of witnesses recorded the unknown acoustic phenomena in North- and Southamerica, Europe and Asia of unnatural root. youtu.be/yr0V7Pu1K9U
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 04:28:44 +0000

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