WILL YOU HELP THE MINISTRY REACH OUR GOAL? Do NOT Miss Out On This Opportunity!!! God said that Multiplication and Acceleration is being put on the seeds that you sow in this season!!!! ***THE MINISTRY NEEDS YOUR HELP!!!*** The Lord told me to post this, I believe He is trying to give many of you who have been Fed by this Ministry Freely, the opportunity to give so that HE can OPEN THE STOREHOUSES OF HEAVEN OVER YOU & YOUR HOUSEHOLD & POUR YOU OUT A BLESSING THAT YOU CAN NOT CONTAIN!!! Glory to God!!! The Ministry has come up on a NEED and we felt led to let you all know in case you felt led to give a Love Gift to what God has called us to do and in turn POSITION YOURSELF FOR A BLESSING FROM THE LORD. When you sow into what we are doing for the Lord - it is as if you have also done the same thing. The ministry has now shifted and the Lord is sending us out to travel around the US for Speaking Engagements and for the HAPPENING Revival Conferences. Peoples lives are being changed at these meetings. Souls are being Saved, many are being set Free and many are being Equipped and sent out to be laborers for the Kingdom of God. We feel that God wants us to bring our 5 young children with us so they can be a part of what He is doing. As you can imagine, airfare and hotels can be quite expensive for 7 people so we felt led to ask for your help... If anyone has an RV that you would like to Gift to, or Loan to the Ministry or if you would rather just GIVE A LOVE GIFT to the Ministry we are opening it up for you to be able to do so... Please inbox me with any info you may have regarding this... *So far we have found that we may be able to get an older RV that would Accommodate us - they seem to be going from 5,000 and up to much more than that - we do not want to limit God in any way. We STILL need help from you in reaching our goal. Thank you so much to the few people who have gifted the Ministry so far... An RV that would suit us the best, is one that gets good gas mileage and is very sound mechanically so we will not have to put a lot of extra money into fuel and repairs - preferably lower mileage if possible* Thank you for Prayerfully Sowing into Good Ground and helping us reach lost souls for Christ! There is no gift that is too big or too small, allow God to guide you... Thank you all so much and God bless!!! You may Securely Give at the link below... wendychristie/donate.htm
Posted on: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 03:26:06 +0000

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