WILL YOUR TICKET GET YOU TO HEAVEN? Read this story, a lady and - TopicsExpress


WILL YOUR TICKET GET YOU TO HEAVEN? Read this story, a lady and her son got on bus going from Taunton railway station to Minehead on the North Somerset coast of England. As they boarded she showed her ticket to the driver. The driver said that unfortunately the tickets she had bought would not take her as far as she wanted to travel. They were only valid for two-thirds of the way. A brief but sharp argument ensued during which the woman protested that she had bought this particular ticket by computer, and had been assured on-line that she paid the sufficient amount to reach Minehead. The driver insisted that her tickets were insufficient and that if she wanted to travel to Minehead she would have to pay an extra £4 for her child and £5.50 for herself. She angrily refused. When the driver asked them to leave the bus, she negotiated to travel as far as Cross Keys using the tickets she had. Both parties agreed and the bus set off at last. When they got to Cross Keys the driver stopped and called out, We are at Cross Keys. Nobody moved, he turned off the engine and said, We are not going anywhere lady, until you pay the extra amount, or get off my bus!. After some further argument the lady and her son departed while still claiming their innocence. This incident reminded me of the importance of having our journey to heaven securely paid for before we need to make it. Sadly, many people will fall short because they are trusting in the wrong set of facts. Even if you are 100% sincere, relying on half truths or downright lies will do you no good. A secure payment for half, two-thirds or even nineteen-twenties of the ticket will not be sufficient in the end. Jesus Christ paid the full fare for you to travel all the way to heaven. - Repentance without restitution will it take you to heaven? - Leviticus 6:1-5, Ezekiel 33:15, Judges 17:1-4: - Repentance without holiness - Romans 12:1-2, Hebrews 12:14 - Repentance without fruits of the Spirit - Gal. 5:22-23. - Repentance without forgiving others that offended us - Matthew 18:15-35. - Repentance with worldliness - ornamentations, tattoo and the likes - Leviticus 19:28, James 4:4, Deut. 22:5, II Cor. 6:14-18, I Peter 3:3-4. - Repentance with secret sins - II Cor. 4:2. Will all these take anyone to heaven? The answer is no, regardless of what we have to say to justify ourselves. It is vital for every individual to know for certain that their ticket to heaven is not subject to any debate or doubt. Accept everything Jesus has accomplished for you, and make sure you do it now, before its too late. From Gods desk, Pastor Oladiji Sunday Oladimeji.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 09:20:38 +0000

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