WILLIAM RUTO MUST BE DEAF, BLIND IF NOT DEAD IN REASONING ...... Mr. Ruto Im not calling you a liar, just dont lie to me. Im not calling you a thief, just dont steal from me. Im not calling you a ghost, just stop haunting me. And I love you so much, Im gonna let you kill me. Recently, Deputy President Ruto has been the best defender of our heavenly sent New constitution, despite him being the general of the NO campaign in 2010. I wont ask him what suddenly changed on something he used to refer as void, inhuman and useless to appear so angelic to him. My questions to him are, 1.Ruto who are this County Commissioners in your said heavenly constitution? 2. What does this constitution state about devolution and equitable distribution of resources? 3.What does this constitution say about equity in representation in government agencies? 4. What does this constitution state about the functions of the National government on matters of security? 5. What does that constitution state about the freedom of speech, expression and assembly, 6. What does this same constitution say about the freedom movement and rights to have a conducive environment for citizens to be able to execute their fundamental functions as required by the law?? And lastly what are doing as a government concerning the few issues i have pointed above.....!!!!!! Is there any accountability, transparency and openess in your operations. Is this Ruto pretending that everything is right, do this man ever care about the thousands of innocent people dying at Wajir, Lamu, Baringo, Mandera and many other parts of this nation which have been engulfed by insecurity. Other than security, the cost of living is unaffordable under this so called digital government. The unemployment levels have doubled in the recent z especially among the youth. Where will this millions of graduates coming out of our multiple learning institutions will go if those whocalready have the jobs are being entrenched.With all this RUTO has all the confidence to make noise publicly that the government is performing excellently..... Unless this man William Ruto is deaf, blind and DEAD is when he will keep on his irresponsible, baseless, silly, unaccounted, uncourth and remote sentiments that the CORDS referendum calls are for self interests.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 07:57:50 +0000

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