WILLS CONTINUED LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF Christine Dobbin Chris Aguirre I give you some blue hair dye and bleach so that even when I am gone, you can have CHS spirit when you guys make it to State next year. You’re really easy to talk to and I’ll miss you next year! Alvaro Del Campo I give you a million pillows so you will always be prepared to sleep anywhere you want. I give you a clone of yourself so you can tell when your smarts are getting the best of you. If you ever want to stage a confirmation retreat in my den again, just hit me up. Cilla Callender I give you all the coolness of being a vibe- metals are the best! I’m going to miss hanging out in the pit, laughing about anything and everything and all the band bus rides. It was such a treat getting to know you, let’s stay in touch! (You’re my favorite twin.) Nina Callender I pass on to you the responsibility of dropping the bass. As the first generation bass dropper in the first CHS band show with dubstep, I understand what it takes and you definitely have it. I will miss you, but I promise to come and visit! (You’re my favorite twin.) Lauren Chacon I give you extra wing nuts, duck tape, and the power to move objects with your mind so when your vibe pedal falls off in the middle of an important run, you won’t sweat it. Metals are superior- remember that next season. You were on the cool side of the pit with me and I am sorry to leave you, but I’ll make sure my replacement is just as deserving. I’ll miss you! Garrett Cunningham I give you the permission to loosen up next year. You are always working so incredibly hard with absolutely anything that you do, but sometimes IT’S OKAY to just slow down. You are too smart and compassionate to run yourself dry so early! I also give you epsom salt so that you can soothe your muscles after almost two years of carrying my laptop, textbooks, backpack, and lunch box everywhere. I am leaving you a pair of my handmade mallets. They may not be completely even or perfectly raveled, but you can think of me anytime you are playing during band or at your house (you and I both know your marching mallets will not come in until the night before TOB). We seniors are handing the pit to the next generation, which includes you! I know you’ll do an amazing job being a good example and supporting all the members. I promise I’ll visit and see if you are abusing people- just kidding. J I want you to know that you’ll be fine without me! If you are worried, I can always get a cardboard cutout of myself for you. I know a guy. You better be believin’ that I love you! P.S. One day I will get you back for embarrassing me in front of the whole band by asking me to homecoming…watch your back son. Chelsea Dobbin I am leaving you the Sequoia so that when you get your license, you will have the honor of experiencing its last miles. It has been through everything and will take good care of you. I will also leave you all the sleep that I never got so that you’ll be rested enough to enjoy yourself and wake up before the sun for marching season. I want you to always remember that you are perfect the way you are. You get more and more talented with every year that passes- even though you have an advantage because there are generations of music in your blood. I am passing my concert flute and my classical guitar on to you- treat them nicely! You know where you can find almost any instrument you want if you ever chose to go beyond flute and piano- it’s fun, I promise. J You’ll rock Les Misérables for the second time next marching season and I’ll be on the sidelines cheering you on! I know that you’re going to support and contribute to your section immensely- they are extremely lucky to have you! You’re the last of the four Dobbin girls to attend Coronado, so make it count! I LOVE YOU! Georgina Garcia I give you back all the fun times you have given me since we have met. I have known you and your sister FOREVER and though we have been too busy to breathe and talk much recently, I haven’t forgotten all the amazing times we used to have! Good luck next year, let’s stay in touch. J Euri Giles There are so many things that I need to pass on to you- the most important item being those grey basketball shorts you lent me my sophomore year when I spilled Baja Blast on my skirt at lunch…I think you are ready to be their owner once again. I am giving you a heads up that I might want to kidnap your adorable little brother. Don’t worry, I’ll take great care of him and I’ll send you lots of pictures. I also want to leave you “Feel it All Around” by Washed Out because that ‘fro deserves its own theme song. You have been such a consistently incredible friend and I know that if I ever need anything- a joke, a happiness boost, a brilliant dinosaur book/other hilarious graphic, a music-listening buddy, or just a hug- you will deliver 700%. I am so happy that I chose to be in percussion and met you! You have to promise me that you’ll visit your parents next year- we can meet halfway between Houston and San Antonio. Keep owning the drum set and making the world a much better place. J Duglas Huerta I would give you funky bass beats, but you already have plenty of those... It was a pleasure to play alongside you in the pit- good luck next year! Salvador Huerta I give you my “How to Survive CHS Teachers” because as you know now…I have got it down to a science. Also, I pass on to you common sense. With this gift I hope that you soon understand that the Madison Scouts are much much much much better than the Blue Devils. It takes time to see the truth, but I know you can do it. Just kidding. You aight. Mickey Lopez I promise you all the My Little Pony stickers I get at any doctor’s appointment I go to for the rest of my life. Also, one day I think we should stage our own production of Phantom of the Opera- dibbs on being Christine. I am going to give the hundredth compliment on your hair, I am seriously jealous. Finally, I love that you are true to yourself, don’t ever change! Victoria Loustaunau I give you super human powers and passion so that you are able to balance both Youth Opera of El Paso and CHS Band. You are not only a talented musician, but a grounded, sweet person. I love how often you smile and laugh, it makes those around you happy and it also allows you to live longer. Keep up the good work and never falter to contact me if you need anything! J Josh McGill I give you every smile and laugh that I ever experienced in band- that’s roughly googleplexian. Perhaps sometime in the future, you’ll use at least one…or one half of one. It was great getting to know you these past few years and I just know that eventually you’ll remember my name. Austin Nakamoto I give you patience for you-know-what… There’s not much I can give you because you are already such an admirable and gifted guy. Your disposition is so rare and sweet, don’t change! Your trumpet playing and singing gives me goose bumps and I cannot wait to see where you go in the future! I’ll miss you and the studio, but you can bet I’ll be back to visit frequently. I’m only a phone call away if you ever need anything, and I mean anything!! J Klarissa Perea I give you four more arms so that you play all the auxiliary instruments at once and be the star of the marching show next year. J You’re so nice and I’m glad that you joined pit just in time for us to meet before I leave! Denise Peters I give you an apology for when Ryan, Euri, and I created a conspiracy against you in Target- we did it because we love you! I am giving you July 27th, which is the day that our cats are going to have a play date. My turtles can come too, and we can have a bonafide party. I want to thank you for being the sweetest person in the world, letting us all use your pool constantly, and making my day with your stories and rants. You may be small, like me, but you are amazingly strong- physically (with that bass drum) and otherwise- and I know that you’ll get anywhere you want to go. I promise to visit you and we can have enough Menchie’s and mall wanderings to fill a lifetime. Tahia Rosen I am giving you props- for being an awesome party host and making beautiful, perfect drumline bows. You’re a crazy talented sewing dancer and I hope we can continue our adventures when I come home for the holidays. You ALWAYS crack me up, and I’ll never forget our car rides or thinking that you-know-who’s dad was going to kill us when he got out of his truck! I am always down to listen to my old A-tracks in your dad’s sweeeet ride and if we don’t get the chance to hang out, I’ll probably just run into you and Lindsey somewhere anyways! Maddy Rosoff I leave you my Portland beach pants and all other hemp pants of the world. Your rad taste in music and chill personality will serve you well. Let’s have a Carrie Brownstein and Fred Armisen marathon one day! Malone Seymore I give you the title of “Best Pulser (Thruster) in the Pit EVER” and give you back the sleep I took away from you when I kidnapped you. You made every day in the pit goofy and awesome! I trust that you’ll keep everyone grounded and relaxed next year. I’ll come visit and I highly expect to see you show off your performance skills! Ethan Scenters I am leaving you some binoculars so that you can laugh at Garrett and I, but with a much better view. When I leave, I’ll be sure to figure something out to keep you entertained. J You’re absolutely hilarious and I hope we can stay in touch!! Elaine Scenters I give you patience to deal with Jonah and his whims. Just kidding, you guys are really good together. You are a beautiful dancer and I am so jealous of how graceful you are!! I’ll miss laughing with you during the pre-game meals and during band in general, but I’ll definitely be back to visit. Good luck next year! J Nicole Shaheen I give you face paint so you can remember how we saved the drumline Lion King skit ten minutes before the competition started, and we still won! I also am giving you free rides because of that one time your dad took us on an awesome ride in his huge taxi! J You are so sweet and amazing- I am going to miss talking and laughing with you! Kyle Williams I give you all my mallets and the permission to use my marimba (the best marimba there is). I am SO proud of everything you have done this year! You’re a fantastic player and an incredible friend. J Now that you’re a top dog, I know you’ll be a source of compassion and a great teacher for the new kids in the pit. I’ll miss you and I’m looking forward to watching the pit perform next season! All of which is attested to this 6th day of June 2013. Josh Pulido To Ethan Bubblebeam, I pass down to you, my locker, just make sure to keep that inter-dimensional portal at the back of it closed at all times, or you will experience lower thigh pain. Oh yeah, and I wish you luck, growing back your hair. The Last Will & Testament of Shennen MacDonald I, Shennen MacDonald, being of questionable mind and superb body, do leave unto various band members (also of questionable mind) orders and items, which are to be followed to the very word. Alphabetically by last name, Crook, Casey and Probasco, Tessa: Unto you, I give my strong will, and stress ball, so there are no murders next year. Actually, if I want to prevent you from going to jail, I’ll just give you a dartboard and a coupon for 1-3 free photo printing at Walgreens. I also leave you my shameless squeals of joy whenever a certain marching tech would be within eye (shot?). I’m really going to miss all of the rants that we have together, and I think you two are the ones that get how I feel about band the most. Garcia, Georgina: to my one and only little sister, I pass on the reign of the “(insert name here) is my hero” and all the hye’s you want (I’m not really sure how to spell out the pronunciation of the word but I hope you know what I mean). I’m really going to miss all our little things that we do sometimes when we happen to see each other, which should have happened more often. By the way, what ever happened to the pool I gave you? I might want to have an impromptu swimming party… Kendrick, Ryan: to my one and only little brother, I leave you the memories of freshman (ahem sophomore) kidnapping, and you better have kept all the presents I gave you. You never know when you’ll forget your lanyard and need a shoelace, or forget black socks (tights are always a useful alternative, albeit a very socially unacceptable one). I also pass unto you the reign of “(insert name here) is my hero” for when you get a little sibling of your own. Olmstead, Gary: I bequeath to you my locker. Yeah, I know it’s only one locker over, and you won’t even have a trumpet for the first half of the year due to drum majoring duties, but I must bequeath it to someone as it was bequeathed to me. When I come back and visit, after I’ve had a sufficient amount of time away from all of you, and there is someone else’s trumpet in there….well you know me, let’s just put it at that. Rehearsals have been so fun with you and I’m pretty sure I would have offed myself by now if I didn’t have the distractions of your politically incorrect…um religion…jokes, or that weird thing that you do with your stomach (which will forever creep me out). Rettig, Tyler: I pass on one half of the Head Equipment Quartermaster power. I only have two tips for you, a1) don’t go easy on ‘em, and 2) be a better Head than I was, which everyone knows shouldn’t be too hard. I also give to you the Quartermaster shirt, which I never got around to doing, along with all the inside jokes that would have gone onto it. Stufflebeam, Hunter: I give to you your very own, brand new, not complete crap, bassoon, along with unlimited 2 reeds (man, those are expensive!). I’m really going to miss you and all the faces we make during rehearsal, which everybody can probably see, but has gotten used to by now. Tellez, Gabby: for you, you can have endless pictures of the various weird/creepy/gross faces you want, so even when I leave, you can laugh your ass off. I wish you all the best of luck as section leader, and hopefully you can put your bullying skills to good use on all those freshmen. Zavala, Adrian: I give to you an unlimited supply of valve oil so you never again have to be plagued (or anyone else for that matter, if you’re nice of course) by the sound of unoiled valves going up and down. They can’t have a section leader with unoiled valves right? I also give you the secrets to my magical warm up, since you’re gonna be playing super high…all the time. It just goes to show what being in band is like, and what it does to people because remember during jazz band when I would always freak out whenever I made a face at Hunter or Eric? Well now, I could care less if you saw, and I’m pretty sure I’ve made some pretty weird faces at Gary right in front of you. To everyone else (and now it’s getting sappy): I leave the Coronado legacy that was passed down to me every year from the seniors before me. Now that I’m a senior, which it doesn’t actually feel like quite yet, I want to pass down the hard work and dedication (yes, I’m dedicated, even if I’m writing these the night before they’re due), the blood, the sweat, the tears that I have put into each and every day with the Coronado band. Never let anything get you down, and don’t allow others to try and tarnish the legacy that I-and all the other seniors- are leaving you. Good luck next year, and all the years after that, even when I’ll (probably) visit and not recognize anyone anymore. I know you’re gonna be great. John Orji To the Band, I leave the grand amount of all my savings, effort, and perseverance: 4 dollars. This is my final testament, before I, John Orji, venture into the unknown & fade into obscurity--one with my brothers: the shadows! To my brothers of the flesh, I leave...the blessing of being referred to as Johns brother. I leave my locker to...oh wait. Nope. I leave my gig bag to...stay in my room until I have need of it once again. I leave my marimba, & all the instruments I have ever played...in the band room, because they arent really mine. To Josh McGill, I leave the pit so that he might succeed me as the primary critic of the young scrubs to come. To Jacob Milam, I leave the word, goodbye, so that he will always remember that he never managed to get me to say the other word. To Garrett, and Euri, I offer my gratitude for being awesome pit-sters. Dont let up. To Capitalist Salvador, I leave the seed of communism. Just kidding. Maybe. And no, I do not & shall never distribute hi-fives equally, Kyle Williams. And finally, I offer two final contributions to this legacy: PRAISE THE SUN. and MEH. Omar Flores Matt salas: peanut butter jar Beatriz holleman: dinosaur mask Edgar diaz-barriga cabada: photo of him & slash One potato for: Matt salas Beatriz holleman Edgar diaz-barriga cabada Georgina garcia Gabby tellez Tyler rettig Lauren pikolicky Kenneth hernandez Jacobe prioleau Zoey morron Jonathan balthazar Claire petty Sebastian samaniego Oscar rodriguez Victoria loustaunau Bernie martinez Josue morales Lorna probasco Tessa probasco Victoria gonzalez Nayelli kato Piyush tandon Mariana calvo Oscar gutierrez Sandra corona Alexis morales Kara compton Roberto ornelas Sheniah cordoba Max rey Jayden orji Ethan stufflebeam Celeste carmen Raymond perea Garret goodroe Ryan valencia Rogelio diaz Autumn mcfadden Lauren leyva Geon im Ayleen sanchez Mickey hernandez Austin nakamoto Ryan kendrick Gian loubriel Gary olmstead Adrian zavala Zack salas Josue Rivera Will This is Josuuuss final band will and he leaves things for other things like the people in De band. To Gary and Adrian I leave you my favorite “toy” that we used so you can remember all the times we “messed around” with each other, also so you can do the same things I did to you to whomever you desire with it. To the Gabbycakes I leave you 69 eggs I found during my time travels (pssssst their little mermaid eggs) now you can have an aquarium of Hot mermaids, but they must all be named Josue the Awesomes the 1st, the 2nd, the 3rd, and so on. Also all the mermaids are L3$8!@4$ XD so have fun with that oh and they can kill zombies for you their freakin badass XD. To LuTessa, Georgina, and The Caseynator you guys get to join The mermaids on a fun fishy adventure through time and space with L3$8!@4$. It will be fun I promise XD. The MARMAR gets to spend all the time in the world stealing more mermaid bras from Gabbys mermaids. To Pike Fire Lucas I leave a piece of Le Triforce and you get permission to play any Zelda song on the trumpet except saria’s song that’s still belongs to me :3 To Austin I leave you a NEW broken Lock so I can reopen it over and over again with magic XD To the Sheniahhh you get to use the Time and Relative Dimension in Space 69 times and take whoever you want but you can only travel to years that end in 69. Antonio you get the curse to be reminded of me when you hear Ping Slooopppyyy guyyyss Sloppy! To the Stufflebeam you get the cure for Josuaids…. Just kidding you get more of it LOLOLOL. And Jinan you get an awesome cousin named Josue but you already knew that so you get all my Mt. Dew so you can share with everyone. The rest of the trumpets also get Mt. dew and an awesome Jazzijazz TAKE CARE OF HER!!!!(I will destroy every one if you don’t!!!) Jayden and Jonathan Balthazar you guys get the best Canadian word ever Eehh!! Claire Tetty you get a bear named Claire. Oscar gets a black mini piggy that says moo!! Raymond you get a ray gum, you can zap people into bubblegum. Mr. Tames you get the courage to talk to FRIEND so you can have a new friend. Tyler you get to get beaten by the Link once again and get a Samantha trophy for second place XD. Ryan you get to experience freshman kidnapping once again that will be fun ;D well maybe not for you XD. Nayelli you get your very own practice room so you can… well you remember what happened last time LOLOLOLOL Georgina was there it was FUNNNNNYYY XD. Autumn you get the season lolz. Sabraybray gets the powers of the Flash!!! And more Mt. Dew so you can run from L3$8!@4 Zombies yayyy
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 00:51:58 +0000

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