WINNING DEBATES FOR DUMMIES: A Guide for Muslims to win and debate - TopicsExpress


WINNING DEBATES FOR DUMMIES: A Guide for Muslims to win and debate with ten easy tricks 1. Always keep your CAPS Lock on. This way your post will be difficult to read and no one will be able to answer. 2. Whenever someone comes up with a verse from Quran that make you unable to defend, say that it is out of CONTEXT. 3. Whenever someone comes up with a Hadith that makes you unable to answer, say… that Hadiths are not reliable. 4. When someone comes up with both Quran and Hadith, say that Quran and Hadiths could be understood in Arabic only. 5. When someone comes up with Quran and Hadith and also proves that he/she understands Arabic, say that these verses are for a time period only and could not be applied today. 6. When you cannot answer any questions, say that Islam is fastest growing religion and soon it will be proven to whole world. 7. When someone comes up with proofs that Islam is not fastest growing religion, say that these figures are biased and by Christians. 8. Paste some videos about Scientific Miracles of Quran from YouTube. When someone proves that these videos are stupid, shout that they are biased. 9. Keep on pasting random verses from Quran irrelevant of topic to divert attention. 10. Finally when you are totally on the run, curse and threat people with Hell fire and say that they are not worthy of Islam. These are also in the comments there. 11. Throw platitudes such as “Islam is a religion of peace”, “Men and woman have equal rights in Islam”, “There is no compulsion in Islam”. Good thing you don’t have to provide any evidence for these statements. 12. Use conjecture and guesswork to prove your case. Good thing again, that you don’t have to provide any references to the Hadiths or respected Islamic commentaries! 13. Attack Christianity! You can pick any random point that you can remember. It need not be related to the issue at hand and there is no need to know anything about the matter. Just pick up an argument that you found online on some Muslim websites. 14. Jump to another topic. 15. Claim victory even if you are badly beaten in the argument! 16. If nothing works revert to personal attacks. Call people bigots and islamophobes! Throw insults such as “female dog in heat”. Swearing is allowed. And don’t forget to blame the Jew!!! 17. Even if that doesn’t help issue anonymous threats. If you don’t want to bother with any of the above tricks make this your first and single option. 18. Claim that Christianity has the same fallacies… (which at best proves that both are wrong and not prove that Islam is right) 19. Jump topics… they always remind me of a jackrabbit. 20. Like a dishonest skeptic, ask question after question after question… paying no attention to the answers provided… u miss a single one and they go “Hey, told u… Islam is right”. 21…. Quote as many random quranic verses as you can in one breadth to confuse the opponent (even if the verses have nothing to do with the topic at hand. I have seen Dr. Zakir Naik quote verses left and right though they have nothing to do with the topic he is discussing.) 22…Quote the Bible to prove Mohammad is a true prophet (even though the verses have nothing to do with Mohammad). 23…. Find any word in the Bible that rhyms with Mohammad and use that verse to prove that Mohammad is a true prophet. (Regardless of the fact the verse is talking about something else). 24…. Keep saying that the Bible is corrupt (with out any logic or reason) to prove Mohammad is right. 25…. Audience should interupt the Oponent debator by shouting Alah Oh Akbar repeatedly to try to confuse him. 26…. If nothing else works, start burning churches all over the world and start killing christians to prove Mohammad is a true prophet and Islam is a religion of peace. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE MUSLIM DEBATE TACTIC? Mine is,, “My Islam apologetic site debunks you”. OR “My Allah is greater than your Allah.”
Posted on: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 19:20:48 +0000

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