WINNING is the CHILD of proper - TopicsExpress


WINNING is the CHILD of proper CHOICE. ============================================ While only YOU can be the judge of your own success... We each also possess the near-infinite capacity to LIE to ourselves and JUSTIFY instead of MULTIPLY. When I opened my first martial arts school, I was had moved back in with my Dad because I couldnt afford to pay rent. ...Thats called going back for your Masters in homeschooling ;) Id wake up early and drive the 20 minutes to teach my morning classes, then putter around, preparing ie: distracting myself with marketing plans that never came to life... then Id go eat lunch, read some more and generally do ANYTHING to avoid anyone telling me No. Then Id clean the school, think for a few minutes about what I would teach that day... Then the first students would arrive around 3:15 and Id begin the blissful zone-out experience of teaching. Time flew, and the next thing I knew it was 10PM and the last student was pulling out of the parking lot. Id straighten up, count what little money came in and promise myself that TOMORROW would be the day Id REALLY start marketing. This whole time I LIED to myself, saying that It wasnt really THAT BAD... and that EVENTUALLY things will improve, word will spread, my classes (and bank account) will be full... The only thing that was full was my BS / Hot Air Generator. I was lying to myself. But the TRUTH was that I really DID want more. I wanted to have more students. I wanted them to be happier and better than they were. I wanted to make more money - A LOT MORE - and I wanted the lifestyle which that money would provide. It was only when I told myself the truth, looking in the mirror one night after classes. The school was dark, and Id been just about to leave and drive back to my Dads when I stopped and saw my reflection in the mirror. I went over and stared at my reflection. And I started to cry. Because I realized in that moment that I was being ruled by fear. I was lying to myself and saying Its Not That Bad. It wasnt that I didnt appreciate where I was, and the journey that I was on. I had lots of people in my life who loved and supported me, and wanted me to succeed. I also had a few naysayers, and folks who didnt think I would make it. But I hadnt OWNED the fact that my behavior was out of integrity with my vision, and my desires. I vowed that night, as I stared at the liar in the mirror... that it was over. I made a promise to myself to begin acting in accordance with my dreams, not my delays. And things shifted. Within a few months, Id learned what to say in a casual conversation that got someones interest in coming to try a class. Once they tried the class, they usually enrolled... and I became a fanatic for inviting people :) A year later, the school was making VERY good money and I was out of that dark period of self denial for good. Students were happy and growing... and inviting their friends, too. I will never forget that day in front of the mirror. It was a turning point, and life hasnt been the same since. ==================================== Are you performing in a way thats BELOW what you know you really want? If you want to wake up and get things moving in your business, you MUST understand the difference between your JOB and your BUSINESS. My Ethical Cult Building webinar tonight will help. This is a ONE-TIME event which will not be repeated, so if you want to learn how to create friction-free marketing and really boost your message to your fans and followers... join me tonight: https://attendee.gotowebinar/register/542085982739660289
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 15:57:48 +0000

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