WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY ISSUED FOR: Pike County ...Accumulating snow expected over far eastern kentucky this morning... .An area of low pressure tracking north along the eastern seaboard will bring precipitation northward into southeastern kentucky early this morning. Precipitation will likely begin as rain...But is expected to quickly transition to snow. The snow will then continue through this morning before coming to an end by noon. Snow accumulations are expected to remain relatively light with an inch or less expected for areas under 2000 feet...While 2 to 3 inches are possible for areas above 2000 feet. The snow may come down hard enough at times early this morning to sharply reduce visibilities and lead to some slick road conditions...Especially for roads crossing the higher terrain near the virginia border. ...Winter weather advisory remains in effect until noon est today... A winter weather advisory remains in effect until noon est today. * Timing...Rain will change to snow over the advisory area early this morning. The snow will continue throughout the morning before tapering off to flurries and ending by midday. * Accumulation...Total snow accumulations will range from an inch or less below 2000 feet and between two and three inches above 2000 feet. * Impacts...Roads may become slushy...Creating slick conditions early this morning. In addition...Visibilities may become sharply reduced... Making it difficult to drive. Precautionary/preparedness actions... A winter weather advisory for snow means that periods of snow will cause primarily travel difficulties. Be prepared for snow covered roads and limited visibilities...And use caution while driving.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 09:02:22 +0000

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