WISDOM 4 WINNING 19/03/2014WHY AT FACE VALUE?Throughout life - TopicsExpress


WISDOM 4 WINNING 19/03/2014WHY AT FACE VALUE?Throughout life people will make you mad, disrespect you and treat you bad. Let God deal with the things they do, because hate in your heart will consume you too. - Will SmithIs it surprising that some of the time we are the perpetrators of the hate game that leads to rejection? We are the culprits too, once in a while.You can’t judge a book by its cover. Shannon was one of the students at a Bible College. What made him interesting were his looks. His hair was a different color each week, his ears were loaded with earrings, and he wore the big loose grunge style clothing and the most interesting point of style was his shorts; he always wore shorts regardless of the weather. His shorts were so odd because of the way he wore them, he always wore them backwards. Imagine anyone who dressed like that at a Bible College, he stuck out like a sore thumb. I couldn’t stand it any longer and my judgmental sarcasm got the best of me, so one day I had to make a fuss about his shorts. To my surprise he was ready for my criticism. He turned to me and said, “I’ll tell you Grand Saline (that’s what everyone called me in class), he continued, just like I tell everyone else who ask me why I wear my shorts backwards. I tell them that God turned my life around so fast that my shorts couldn’t keep up. Something interesting happened, I began to see through Shannon’s actions, class participation, research papers and prayers that he was a very spiritual man. My initial reaction to Shannon was one of rejection, but when I saw past my bias to his heart, my rejection soon turned to respect.David was rejected and after seven years he gained full support of the tribes of Israel and was made king. Jephthah, Joseph, and David give a clear, resounding message! No matter what your family background is, God is able to use you for His glory! Beloved, as Christians, we understand that God is the Great Determiner, the Master Architect of our lives. In that knowledge there is freedom. God is in control of our lives. The Bible says that the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord. We know that with Gods forgiveness and grace, we are not a prisoner of the past no matter how desperate it is. God uses Jephthahs life to show us that He delights in using the unusable and makes what seems to be ugly very beautiful.WISDOM NUGGET: Psalm 27:10When my father and my mother forsake me, then the Lord will take me up.Let us pray: Father, help me not to be the one to cause others to experience the feeling of rejection in Jesus name.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 08:27:09 +0000

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