WISDOM: WHY FROM THE TORTOISE? Who rules the Animal Kingdom? - TopicsExpress


WISDOM: WHY FROM THE TORTOISE? Who rules the Animal Kingdom? Which amongst them is the fastest? Tom theTortoise started very early in the race, moving ahead and ahead. Persevering. Exhibiting inexplicable seriousness in his effort, not looking aback. And in the wake of this development, I was perplexed. In a bid to understand what must have informed much of this commitment, in a race which was a preserve of many untested champions, I lifted my body off my comfort zone and unto his way stood. And I asked Tricky One, what is the point in this? Why do you venture in areas in which even the Angels fear to thread? Wouldnt all these amount to a wasted energy when the owners of the race, the Hares, the Kangaroos, the Dogs, the Chetahs, the Zebras and their likes wake up to this calling? Are you wiser than the Fowls which still decide to practice there chase with the Grasshoppers? Or the Pigs, though qualified in body size to participate, would prefer peeping into every dust bin and rolling around in muddy waters than come over to cheer and support others.Being to heavy to risk their precious lives to try an attempt. I have known you for wisdom but it seems this time around Id be inclined to agree with Noisy the Parrot that your reasoning has declined and as a result not above that of the white bearded he-goat. The stupid He-Goat whom when accused by the Monkey of having no future and reason for living other than the vulva of the She-Goat. And who in reply said it was the handiwork of his enemies. That his ambition in life had been to open a College for the Animal World. I was shouting these questions to Tom the Tortoise, in his approach towards me. And just as Ive envisaged, he did not answer and was not willing to. Insulted by this very action, I tried another way and another and nothing was coming up. It was only when I promised no answer, no progress for him that he looked up my way and said since you must hear then listen Mr. BusyBody, I am in this race not to get victory over the Hares and neither am I in it against the Chetahs. The Race and my competition is against others of my kind, the Tortoises. For playing in the tracks exclusively reserved for champions will place me in the realm of the gods when our Forklores would be composed. And the whole story will go Thus, Once Upon a legend who contested and nearly defeated the other competitors if not for some manipulations and if history would have it so, generations unborn will want to undo themselves in order to achieve a feat they might term a past glory. And if God willing, it turns out this way, wouldnt it be logical that I would a kind of god to be revered? Now can you be Off my way? I went off the way. Though with my shoulders slumped, to boot. This time no longer back to my comfort zone but towards the other side of the road. Saddled a branch of a shady tree, pondering and pondering over the wisdom from unassuming Tom.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 23:07:20 +0000

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