WISHING EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU A WONDERFUL, HAPPY AND HEALTHY NEW YEAR..... i like to post this wonderful video clip from the very last Judy Garland Show in 1964…Judy had recorded the previous number dressed as a clown, which explains her attire……unfortunately the number i am posting was never used….but for me…..it sums everything up in a couple of minutes… when Kevin and i retired here to gran canaria 8 years ago little did we envisage the way our lives were going to change…..we got ourselves a little dog,,,then another to keep him company…my 23 year old cat died and two ferrel ones moved in overnight..so we had a new family….and we settled into an idyllic life for the next few years…never at any point did we believe we had made a mistake…we loved our life so much!… in the ensuing years we made quite a number of friends…and as in others lives…some were wonderful…some …proved to only just be there whilst there was something in it for them , so they have been removed from our lives …our wonderful friends are kind, funny, immensely talented and loyal....some will undoubtedly be friends for life they want nothing but friendship…who are pleased for us when we have some success…as are we with them…. this last year has been crazy….it has seen both our lives changing drastically…..Kevin went back to work at westfalia terrassen…..working behind the bar…..then when Degs realised he could sing he also performed on the stage…..he had sung for many years before we met, but he didnt peruse it after that….it has given him a new lease of life…his love for singing is obvious and his confidence in performing has just grown and grown….he now has a C.D. out and is performing regularly in the westfalia shows……he has a good following of wonderful ladies who have further enriched our lives…. Derek and Andrew had always liked my interpretation as Liza Minnelli and persuaded me to come in to westfalia and do a few numbers within their show…..it was way out of my comfort zone…but i said yes…i loved it…so much so i am featured in two of the shows and also have performed at other venues in the south of the island. I have started to perform as other legends too and am absolutely loving it...so life is good….very good…….and we are very happy…which leads me on to say i wish the very same for each and every one of you…in this new year.some of my friends on Facebook i know very well, some not so well…others i have never…and never will meet…but my wish of good health and happiness goes to you all…..as the wonderful Judy Garland says… …HERES TO US! xx youtu.be/6J3spaSdgjs
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 23:06:26 +0000

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