WISHING EVERYBODY A VERY HAPPY KRISHNA CONSCIOUS DIWALI/DEEPAVALI - THE FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS. 23-10-2014 THURSDAY (22-10-2014 WEDNESDAY AT CERTAIN LOCATIONS) THIS VERY AUSPICIOUS DAY IS SPECIFICALLY MEANT TO REMEMBER THE VICTORY OF THE SUPREME PERSONALITY OF GODHEAD, SRI KRISHNA OVER EVIL NARAKASURA AND ALSO THE VICTORY OF LORD SRI RAMACHANDRA OVER RAVANA OF LANKA. Diwali is certainly one of the biggest, brightest and most important festivals of India. While Diwali is popularly known as the Festival Of Lights. The celebration of Diwali as the Victory Of Good Over Evil refers to the light of higher knowledge dispelling all ignorance. While the story behind Diwali and the manner of celebration of the festival differ greatly depending on the region, the essence of the festival remains the same - the celebration of life, its enjoyment and goodness. WHY DO WE CELEBRATE DIWALI/DEEPAVALI? - Watch the same on Youtube. youtube/watch?v=_d2ZJxNxFao - Ramayana: Story of Diwali | Mocomi Kids youtube/watch?v=ga4qWlz71Mk - President Obama Diwali Message 2014 doing pooja and lighting diyas youtube/watch?v=sMwXTdFcPm0 - PRESIDENT OBAMA CELEBRATES DIWALI youtube/watch?v=CrqHHuWkAWk - US President Obamas Diwali Message 2013 with Close Caption CC youtube/watch?v=KUYHIZjMAF8 - First Lady Michelle Obama Marks Diwali at the White House youtube/watch?v=qIZGW4WSkio - Diwali message Barak Obama and Kooijman Lambert Notarissen youtube/watch?v=8coofyvtOmU - Mr & Mrs Obama dancing on Diwali 1. Bhagavan Sri Krishna Killed Narakaasura: On the day preceding Diwali, Lord Krishna killed the demonic king Narakaasuru and rescued 16,000 women from his captivity. The celebration of this freedom went on for two days including the Diwali day as a victory festival. 2. The Victory of Lord Rama: According to the epic ‘Ramayana’, it was the new moon day of Kartik when Lord Rama, Mother Sita and Lakshman returned to Ayodhya after vanquishing Ravana and conquering Lanka. The citizens of Ayodhya decorated the entire city with the earthen lamps and illuminated it like never before. 3. The Return of the Pandavas: According to the great epic ‘Mahabharata’, it was ‘Kartik Amavashya’ when the Pandavas appeared from their 14 years of banishment as a result of their defeat in the hands of the Kauravas at the game of dice (gambling). The subjects who loved the Pandavas celebrated the day by lighting the earthen lamps. 4. Goddess Lakshmi’s Appearance Day: The Goddess of wealth, Mother Lakshmi incarnated on the new moon day (amaavasyaa) of the Kartik month during the churning of the ocean (Samudra-Manthan), hence the association of Diwali with Goddess Lakshmi. 5. Lord Vishnu Rescued Goddess Lakshmi: On this very day (Diwali day), Lord Vishnu in His fifth incarnation as Vamana Avatara rescued Goddess Lakshmi from the prison of King Bali and this is another reason for worshipping Mother Lakshmi on Diwali. ----------------------------------------------- There are several reasons why Diwali is celebrated and one amonst them is related to Lord Ramachandra. The word Diwali is derived from the Sanskrit term Deepavali, which translates to Rows of lamps. Based on the Hindu lunar calendar, Diwali falls between October and November on an Amavasya or moonless night. Celebrated as the victory of good over evil, the festival is associated with Lord Ramas return to his kingdom Ayodhya, after 14 years in exile. The Demon king Ravana of Lanka had abducted Lord Rams consort Sita only to invite his own death as a result. Lord Rama, along with His brother Laxman and an army of monkeys defeated and killed Ravana and returned to His kingdom with Sita. The people of Ayodhya lit up clay lamps known as diyas to welcome Him on His return from exile. King Dashratha ruled the rich and prosperous city of Ayodhya. He had three wives Kausalya, Kaikeyi and Sumitra. Kaikeyi was his favorite. She saved his life in a war at a very crucial time. Dashrath granted her two boons for saving his life. Dashrath had four sons. Ramachandra, Lakshmana, Bharata and Shatrughna. Rama, the eldest, was everybodys favourite. He was married to the beautiful and devoted Sita. Just before Ramas coronation, Kaikeyi reminded Dashrath of her two boons. She requested him to crown Bharata as king and to banish Rama to the forest for fourteen years. Though King Dashratha begrudged but finally had to succumb to Kaikeyis request as he was bound by his boons granted to her. Her wishes were granted. The old king Dashratha later died of a broken heart. After a few years in the forest, Sita was lured and abducted by the demon king Ravana. Lord Rama, with the help of a monkey general, Hanuman rescued Sita and defeated Ravana. After fourteen years in exile Lord Rama and Sita and returned to Ayodhya. It is in Their honor that Diwali is celebrated. Diwali signifies the victory of good over evil. So Diwali is celebrated in commemoration of Lord Ramachandras return from exile and His victory over the evil king Ravana of Langka. Today Diwali is celebrated as the Festival of lights or lamps. The ghee or oil lamp signifies light or knowledge. So where there is light there is illumination or knowledge and no darkness or ignorance. In this month of Kartik or Damodara it is very auspicious to light up the ghee lamps and celebrate the pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Sri Krishna or His avataras. -------------------------------------------------- CHITRAKUT - LORD RAMAS FOREST HOME By Bhakti Vikasa Swami Though exiled from His kingdom, Lord Ramacandra lived happily in this beautiful holy place. LORD RAMACANDRA LIVED for twelve years in the Chitrakut forest with His wife, Sita Devi, and His brother Laksmana. The story of how they came here and what they did is recounted in the Ramayana. Rama was exiled to the forest for fourteen years. When He first entered the forest with Laksmana and Sita, He asked Bharadvaja Muni where they should stay. The Muni advised them to go to Chitrakut, about ten miles from his asrama. The rsis in Chitrakut had been praying that Rama would come there. They had been thinking, The world is full of disturbances, especially from the Raksasas (man-eaters). If Rama stays in Ayodhya, how will He fulfill His mission of killing all the demons? When Rama came to Chitrakut, Raksasas were spoiling the peaceful atmosphere of the place by attacking the rsis. So He killed many Raksasas during His stay there. Ramas brother Bharata had been away from Ayodhya when Rama was exiled. When Bharata returned, he learned that he was supposed to be the king in Ramas absence. Greatly disturbed by this news, Bharata went with a large retinue to Chitrakut to ask Rama to come back and rule the kingdom. Today, the Rama-Bharata Milap commemorates the spot where they met. Although Bharata was sorry about Ramas exile, Rama was undisturbed. Bharata insisted again and again that Rama should come back to Ayodhya, and many others who had come with Bharata agreed. But Rama repeatedly refused the kingdom. No, Ive given my promise to my father. Thats more important. Finally, Rama gave the decision over to Janaka Maharaja, His father-in-law. Rama said, Janaka Maharaja is very experienced, religious, and expert let him decide whether I should stay here in Chitrakut and complete the term of exile or go back to Ayodhya and take up the kingship. Janaka Maharaja, knowing the purpose of the Lord, said that Rama should stay in Chitrakut. Rama spent twelve years of His fourteen-year exile in Chitrakut. Then, for His own purpose, He went to Dandakaranya. A PLACE OF SAGES Chitrakut means delightful asrama, and it has long been a place of austerity. The hills and forests have many caves, providing shelter for sages and ascetics. The area is beautiful and suitable for spiritual life. The air is fresh and pure forest air with nice winds. We went in early October. The nights and mornings were a little crisp and cool, and the daytime still a bit hot, but not unbearably so. Bhakti Vikasa Swami at Gupta Godavari River There are big hills all around, with forests filled with singing birds and many, many monkeys. Although Lord Ramacandra was banished to live in the forest, Chitrakut was pleasant for Him and Sita. Even today Chitrakut is ideally situated for an ascetic life. It is distant from any major city, situated where the plains of Uttar Pradesh in northern India give way to the hills, forests, and mountains of Madhya Pradesh in central India. The present town of Chitrakut has two sections, one in Uttar Pradesh and one in Madhya Pradesh. The local people live simply and austerely. The rooms for pilgrims are extremely simple, and so is the food. Since Chitrakut is away from the big cities, the only fruits or vegetables available are those grown nearby. Chitrakut has many temples. Most are near Rama-ghata, where Lord Rama would bathe in the Mandakini Ganges, and around Kamada Nathaji Hill (the hill of the desire-fulfilling Lord). Most are Sita-Rama temples, but there are also two Nrsimha temples, a few Krsna temples, a Jagannatha-Baladeva-Subhadra temple, and quite a few Siva temples. It seems that about a hundred years ago there was a lot of building in Chitrakut because so many temples date from around that time. Many Maharajas built temples here. Most of the temples are taken care of by married couples or a few sadhus. The arrangements for the deities are nice, and the temples are kept neat and clean. Most of the temples have many salagramas (a Deity in the form of a stone). The salagramasare well-cared-for, shining with fresh tilaka (clay markings) every day. Temples are also at Janaki-kunda, where Sita, or Janaki, would bathe. There are two Janaki-kundas. One is at Gupta Godavari, and the other is three kilometers from Rama-ghata. There are quite a few asramas in Chitrakut, although not as many as temples. In two asramas, chanting the names of Lord Rama goes on nonstop day and night. In one of the asramas this has been going on for more than twenty-five years, and in the other, more than forty years. At one of the Janaki-kundas, theres an asrama where about ten sadhus live, and twice a day they feed all the visitors who come there. On the day we went, they fed about twenty-five sadhus and forty other pilgrims. While taking prasadam, the guests hear the pastimes of Lord Rama, as a reading goes on twenty-four hours a day. We met a schoolteacher, one of the residents of Chitrakut Dhama, as its known. He was most appreciative of the spiritual qualities of the place. And like many others, he stopped to speak to us. Those who are pure can see Rama even today here in Chitrakut, he said. Rama walking, Rama bathing, Rama stooping down to drink from the river … Yes. Those who are pure can still see Rama at Chitrakut. Bhakti Vikasa Swami is from England but has been teaching Krsna consciousness in India for many years. When hes not traveling around India writing articles for BTG (which youll be seeing more of in upcoming issues), he works with the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust in Bombay. RAMA DESCRIBES CHITRAKUT Having lived in Chitrakut for some time, one day Lord Ramacandra began to point out the beauty of Chitrakut to Sita Devi: O Fortunate Princess, when I behold this ravishing mountain, neither the loss of the kingdom nor the absence of My friends distresses Me. O Fortunate One, behold that mountain abounding with flocks of birds of every kind, where the metals lie, crowned with peaks that seem to kiss the skies. See how amongst the summits some have the radiance of silver, others of gold; some are the colour of madder [a reddish dye], some yellow, and some sparkle like precious stones or resemble flowers or crystals or ketaka trees; they shimmer like quicksilver; those regions contain many metals; that Indra among mountains is full of herds of tame deer, tigers, panthers, and bears and is enlivened by flocks of birds. The serried ranks of mango, jambu, asana, … and many other trees, covered with flowers and laden with fruit, affording magnificent shade, make this mountain an enchanting retreat…. See how, from the crevices, the waters fall in cascades from every side, causing the mountain to resemble an elephant with the ichor flowing from its forehead. Who would not be filled with delight by these glades from which the fragrance of many flowers issues, pleasing to the senses? O Peerless One, if I am to live with thee and Laksmana for many autumns here, no grief will visit Me. This mountain, laden with flowers and fruit, the enchanting resort of flocks of birds, with its ravishing peaks, captivates Me, O Lovely One. From The Ramayana of Valmiki, translated by Hari Prasad Shasrti, Shantisadan, London, 1962, vol. 1, p. 297.
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 13:48:41 +0000

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