WITH A BASIC KNOWLEDGE OF HISTORY WILL UNDERSTAND THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE CASE NOW BEFORE THE ISRAELI SUPREME COURT. Apart from the fact that this is happening in Israel about the conduct of the Israeli armed forces, the fact is that it gives us another opportunity to understand the meaning of war crime. It includes: (a) unjustified killings, (2) collective punishment (3) attacks on civilian infrastructure. By such definitions, we can easily agree that there were war crimes during the Nigerian civil war, which have not been addressed. Also, there were war crimes in all occasions when the Nigerian armed forces attacked Nigerian civilian populations such as the Odi case, Zaki Biam, and very likely there is war crime occurring in the ineffective and misdirected war against Boko Haram. Nigerians must be prepared to say no to war crimes, just like other nations of the world. Military operations can be carried out without committing war crimes. All our soldier need to do is to obey the rules of the world that govern armed conflict and the use of military force. These rules are clear and every officer knows them. So, they would have no excuse to violate them. Now the unique hearing in Israel.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 10:07:02 +0000

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