WITNESS 4-13-13 CONSISTENCY Are you consistent In - TopicsExpress


WITNESS 4-13-13 CONSISTENCY Are you consistent In your love of God And in Your love of others By that-I mean Do you love every day Not just The days when you feel good Or-just when-you feel like it Our Lord said The people of this world Are smarter Than the people of God In just one way They are consistent In serving themselves They are consistent In their selfishness We are living in this world But we have to make a choice Are we living By the world’s values Or-are we living by God’s values “No one can serve two masters Either he will hate the one And love the other Or he will be devoted To the one And despite the other You CANNOT serve both GOD and money” Matthew 6:24 So we know We ALL have to make a choice “For where your treasure is There your heart will also be” Matthew 6:21 The people of this world Are consistent In serving themselves ARE WE—the people of God CONSISTENT in serving the Lord Robert P. Wallman 4-13-12 Ps WITNESS 4-13-13 In Luke 12-Jesus tells the story about a rich fool who has an over abundance Of crops and desires to store them-he says to himself: “You have plenty of good things stored up for many years Take life easy; eat, drink, and be merry” But God says to him: “You fool-this very night your life will be demanded from you Then who will get what you have prepared for himself” “Serve wholeheartedly As if you were serving the Lord, not men” Ephesians 6:7 Misc. WITNESS 2-3-14
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 20:51:13 +0000

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