WITNESS 8-28-13 DON’T WORRY-BE HAPPY Where do you find - TopicsExpress


WITNESS 8-28-13 DON’T WORRY-BE HAPPY Where do you find your happiness In today’s world Happiness is defined As a state of good fortune- Pleasure-contentment-or joy I’m not talking about fleeting happiness Not the kind that you get When you hit a lottery number Or buy a new car I’m talking about The kind of happiness THAT LASTS The kind that lasts Regardless of your circumstances DON’T WORRY BE HAPPY Surveys in today’s world Tell us That those who are the most happy Are those living lives Dedicated to helping others They are those Who out of faith Deliberately set out To live a life of service And Jesus himself-tells us “Whoever hates his life in this world Will preserve it for eternal life” John 12:25 And “Do nothing out of selfish ambition Or vain conceit But in humility Consider others better than yourself Each of us Should look not only To our own interests But also to the interests of others” Philippians 2:3-4 DON’T WORRY BE HAPPY So whatever Your state in life is Whatever your problems are Take your mind Off of yourselves Try to help someone else With their problems And your problems Will get a little lighter Jesus taught us That in order to find ourselves We must paradoxically Die to ourselves DON’T WORRY -BE HAPPY “Whoever finds his life Will lose it And whoever loses his life for my sake WILL FIND IT” Matthew 10:39 It is said that our society Is becoming More and more self-focused And self-seeking So is it any wonder That the surveys indicate A general decline in our happiness So take your mind Off of yourself Focus on someone else and DON”T WORRY-BE HAPPY Robert P. Wallman 8-14-12 Ps Inspired by an article in Living Faith magazine by Monsignor Stephen J. Rossetti WITNESS 8-28-13 & 5-7-14
Posted on: Wed, 07 May 2014 12:48:26 +0000

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