WITNESSING IN THE NEW TESTAMENTA. WHO WERE TO BE WITNESSES FOR CHRIST...?Ac 1:8 reveals it was the apostles - Ac 1:1-11 a. They are specifically mentioned in b. Note the pronouns used throughout the text (to whom, them, they, you) c. They were Men of Galilee (i.e., not all the disciples, from other regions as well) 2. To be such a witness required very specific qualifications - cf. Ac 1:21-16 a. One had to have been with the apostles b. From the time of Jesus baptism until His ascension to heaven c. Because of what they were to bear witness Re 2:13) the term witness was restricted to the apostles, who could bear witness because they had been with Christ - cf. Jn 15:27)B. WHAT WAS THEIR WITNESS FOR CHRIST...? 1. They bore witness to Jesus resurrection - cf. Ac 1:22; 2:32; 3:15; 5:30-32; 13:30-31 2. They also bore witness to His life - Ac 10:38-42Ac 22:14-15; 26:16,22-- The focal point of the apostolic witness related to the resurrection of Jesus from the dead! [One may wonder what difference any of this makes. Does it matter, along as Jesus is glorified...?] APPRECIATING THE DISTINCTIONThe perverted witness: provides testimony involving ones own conversion a. Personal testimony that describes the change in ones life b. The more dramatic, the better 1) Very prone to exaggeration, even fabrication 2) Especially if one can sell their testimony through appearances, videos, books 2. provides testimony concerning the resurrection of Jesus a. Eyewitness accounts based on empirical evidence - e.g., 1Jn 1:1-2; Ac 10:40-41 b. Evidence confirmed by: 1) The number of witnesses 2) The credibility of the witnesses (their life, teachings, sufferings, even death) 1. to have you place your faith in Jesus on the basis of their conversion experience and manner of life 2. to have you place your faith in Jesus on the basis of historical facts that Jesus was raised from the dead and thereby declared to be the Son of God 1. what if those upon whose testimony we came to believe later disappoint us? a. Whose conversion proves to be less than real or short-term? b. Will not our faith be shaken? 2. their testimony forever remains unchanged a. Sealed by their manner of life, their exemplary teachings, their own blood b. Faith based on their testimony is more durable CONCLUSION
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 23:24:34 +0000

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