WIZ.DOM[E] IS THE PRINCIPAL THING; THEREFORE GET WIZ.DOM[E]: AND, WITH ALL THY GET GET UNDERSTANDING!!! MOORS ..WORLDWIDE!!! RIDDLE ME THIS:HOW[NDAPHQUE] DOES A MERE 1% OF A GIVEN POPULATIONS GOVERN, RULE, & CONTROL 99% OF SAID POPULATION?!? A: DIVIDE ..THEN,CONQUER!!! [GAWD DAMMIT!!] AS A KEY COMPONENT OF ITS EMPIRE BUILDING STRATEGY, CENTURIES AGO, IN 1452., THE JEWISH-CONTROLLED VATICAN PUT A THIS CLASSIC, MILITARY TACTIC/STRATEGY IN PLACE. THE STRATEGY WAS CALLED THE CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE OF DISCOVERY. [I URGE/ENCOURAGE EVERYONE TO GOOGLE THE PHRASE FOR YOUR PERSONAL EDIFICATION.] THE ESSENCE OF THIS DIVIDE & CONQUER CONCEPT IS TO ACCENTUATE DIFFERENCES WHILE MINIMIZING AGREEMENTS. THIS SUBTLE RACIST TECHNIQUE HAS ALLOWED THE VATICAN TO GOVERN, RULE, CONTROL & TAX THE WORLDS ENTIRE POPULATION ..WITH EASE!!! AS LONG AS WE, MILLIONS & MILLIONS OF MELANATED PEOPLE ..WORLDWIDE,REMAIN DIVIDED BY PETTY DIFFERENCES THE 1% JEWISH CONTROLLED ELITE WILL REMAIN OUR CONQUERORS. THE REAL QUESTION IS HOW MUCH LONGER WILL WE, MELANATED PEOPLE, CONTINUED TO FOCUS ON OUR DIFFERENCES AS OPPOSED TO SEEK AREAS OF AGREEMENT?!!? YADIG?!? Blessed is he who reads ..Revelation 1:3 [kjv] Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. ..Proverbs 4:7 [kjv] Spoken language is much, much older than written language. In today`s western languages (specifically Germanic and Romanic), one sound can have a multitude of spellings, e.g. the sound “k” (brief exhaling sound) can be written today as c, ch, q or k, all of which can also be pronounced in a different way or fall silent in different word arrangements. So the letters, which are the building blocks of words, have become interchangeable and thus in themselves meaningless. Thus the door has been opened for all sorts of meaningless or distorting, misleading spellings. Language is the primary tool to trick the minds of men today. This was bound to happen, but it is now time to realize and repair language. It will take several hundred years to accomplish this on broad scale, but those who are awake can start the process for themselves and become their own priests. Proto-Canaanite should be Khemetic dialects and mystery languages as designed esoterically by African priesthood Written language was first established in the form of an alphabet in Phoenicia (this was actually just one seaside city in Canaan, which was an outpost of Khemet) by the so-called Hebrew, the House of Horus. At this stage, every letter was designed to have its own proper, divine, meaning pertaining to creation. As a result, it was possible to mentally “dive” into words, as every word contained letters and each single letter again became a new word of its own (e.g. the letter “D” became “Daleth” in Hebrew, which contains D (Daleth), L (Lamedh) and T (Taw), each again being a word, each containing letters, and so on, this goes into infinity) and thus the alphabet system of language was originally very meaningful and holographic, each word serving as a whirlpool of information, following natural laws and at disposal for individual interpretation and spiritual understanding of reality. There were 22 consonants and originally 7 basic vowels (which were not written, only pronounced, as in Hebrew), 22/ 7 = Pi = 3.1428... (circumference divided by diameter of a circle) this is also why the magic number is 227 (2+2+7=11, 1+1=2, duality, one step before completion of the new 12, the new system, this is based on Orphic and Pythagorean number systems, which were taught to these European gentlemen in Egypt). Thus the idea was to create a full 360 degree circle of sounds, which reflected the spiritual idea of cymatic creative forces emitted by primordial unity (the circle) to set itself up in the Monad (dot in the circle) and to create 3D- realm in order to be able to experience itself. Cymatics controls spirit and spirit is the unseen half of creation while matter is the seen half and result of the unseen. SPOKEN language was thus designed and acknowledged to be a tool of creation. Now, if we accept these ideas for a moment and imagine that we would be able to apply and use a language which is based on such creative sounds that mimic original creation, then our spoken words would automatically serve as bridge from our thinking (unseen, noumenal world, heaven, the mind) to the universe (physically seen, phenomenal world, earth, the body), allowing us to - partially, gradually - influence manifestation of physical reality according to our intentions. We can also deduct that when we speak in our modern languages, the intended meaning of the words we use, which we do verbalize with an intent to affect the phenomenal world, may actually take an effect which we are not intending. We may be saying things that we don’t intend to say at all, perhaps the opposite or something entirely different. What we intend as result of our thoughts and what we then put out as creative sounds expressing our intentions, are no longer aligned, in fact they are often in contradiction. Thus we are unknowingly forced by modern language to create a (spiritual) reality that we do not intend (spiritual, because Cymatics affect spirit first, which then takes its effect on matter) . So, how could language decay in such a way and who influenced our languages and twisted sounds to create such reality as we have seen during the Iron age of Pisces? English is the youngest language in the so-called civilized world, it is a Germanic language and clearly has an occult history, meaning that the language designers were never openly revealed and in some cases given obscure alter egos to camouflage their true identity, best example being Shakespeare, who was Francis Bacon and who headed the King James Bible council, which effectively introduced thousands of new words to the English language. As “Shakespeare” he also took a major influence on language through entertainment (there never has been such a thing in history, art automatically effects the 4 senses and takes an effect on spirit). He left his occult signature in Psalm 46 of the King James Version, there in plain sight, for those with eyes to see. Bacon was also instrumental in establishing the “scientific approach”, which is purely based on left brain logic and 5-senses “proof” as basis for capturing reality, thus 50% blind. This is no coincidence and served to further reduce people`s capability of understanding nature in a syncretic, holistic way, because 50% of nature is not perceivable by our 4 senses (there actually are only 4 senses, not 5). forthosewitheyestosee.blogspot/2014_09_01_archive.html
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 04:10:19 +0000

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