WOD - 23 May Friday 23 May 2014: Warm-up (5 mins): PVCs, - TopicsExpress


WOD - 23 May Friday 23 May 2014: Warm-up (5 mins): PVCs, push-ups, Russian baby makers, switch lunges, Cuban press Strength (12 mins, incl assistance): Bench press – complete either 3 sets of 4-5 -OR- 4 sets of 3-4, working to failure on the last set (Cycle 2, Week 3 on Prilepin sheets) Assistance: Band pull-aparts between sets of bench. Start/cap to accommodate multiple heats, as needed. WOD (4 rounds) One minute – max reps bench One minute – max calorie row One minute rest Men’s bench weight scheme = 205/185/165/135 Women’s bench weight scheme = 135/115/95/75 Spotter adjusts weight each round while athlete is rowing. Record bench reps and cals rowed separately. Striking WOD (5:30pm class only) Warm-up: Neck, shoulder, wrist and mid-line rotational stretching. Striking Skill Work (mandatory): 5 minutes of shadow boxing WOD1 (4 rounds of three minutes with one minute between rounds) 200m sprint 20 push-ups Max combos to focus mitt (1-2-3-4-5-6) for balance of three minutes
Posted on: Fri, 23 May 2014 00:32:56 +0000

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