WOD 3: Mavericks Angels 20 minute time cap for all - TopicsExpress


WOD 3: Mavericks Angels 20 minute time cap for all divisions "GRACE" 30 x Clean and Jerk rx: 135/95 scaled/masters: 95/65 then "Elizabeth" 21-15-9 Power Clean Ring Dips / HR Push Ups for scaled and masters rx: 135/95 Scaled/Masters: 95/65 then " AMANDA" 9-7-5 Bar Muscle Up / Chest to Bar Pull Ups for scaled and masters Squat Snatch rx: 135/95 scaled/masters: 95/65 then "FRAN" NO Scaling on this WOD 21-15-9 Thrusters Pull Ups Rx: 95/65 scaled/masters: 95/65 * RX teams you will need to change your own bars if a MALE athlete is doing FRAN....from 135 to 95. SCORE: Total Time is stopped when the last teammate finishes FRAN and runs to the 75ft mark where their team will be waiting. Each teammate will choose a workout to complete. The workouts will be completed in the above order NO exceptions. NO ASSISTING allowed by anyone Once you complete your chosen workout you will run and tag your teammate who is next. The teammates who are not working out will be standing at teh 75ft mark previously used for the Sled Push....there will be Red tape there.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 00:09:17 +0000

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