WOD Descriptions and Standards Friday Night WOD 1A: TBA** WOD - TopicsExpress


WOD Descriptions and Standards Friday Night WOD 1A: TBA** WOD 1B: TBA** WOD 1C: TBA** **All WODs for Friday Night will be announced on location. **We would highly suggest you bring your Jump Rope!!!! Saturday WOD 2 Front Squat and Lateral Jump Ladder For Max Weight/Reps: Front Squat x 5 Lateral Jump x 10 (over and back is ONE rep) Female Weights: 50-65-80-95-110-125-140-155-170-185-200 Male Weights: 95-110-125-140-155-170-185-200-215-230-245 On the call of 3… 2… 1… GO, the athlete will step onto their mat and begin work at their station. Each athlete will have 60 seconds to complete the full amount of reps required at each station and 30 seconds to rotate to the next station. The score for each station is the number of Front Squats completed and the number of Lateral Jumps completed. If the athlete completes all 5 Front Squats and all 10 Lateral Jumps, they advance to the next weight. Tie Breaker Scoring: If an athlete is unable to complete the Front Squats in the allotted time and completes no Lateral Jumps, there score will reflect the amount of Front Squats performed. Example: Athlete completes only 3 Front Squats at the 125lb weight. There score would be 128.00 If an athlete cannot perform all 5 Front Squats but still has time on the clock, they can perform MAX attempts of Lateral Jumps to increase their score for a tie breaker. Example: Athlete completes only 2 Front Squats at the 140lb weight, but still has 40 seconds left on the clock. They stop doing Front Squats and perform 18 Lateral Jumps. There score would be 142.18 If an athlete advances to a weight they cannot perform a Front Squat on, they must first ATTEMPT the weight (clean/deadlift) and then have the remainder of the time to perform MAX reps Lateral Jumps. Example: Athlete completes all reps at 170lbs but fails to Clean/Front Squat 185lbs. After a successful ATTEMPT, the athlete performs 32 Lateral Jumps. There score would be 185.32 If an athlete completes the entire ladder, clearing the 245lb weight/station, they will perform MAX Lateral Jumps until time expires. Example: Athlete completes all 5 Front Squats at 245lbs and then performs 12 Lateral Jumps. There score would be 250.12. Standards Front Squat: -The barbell must start on the ground. -You may clean the barbell any way you choose as long as it ends up in the front rack position. -You may squat clean the first rep. -Your hip crease must go below the top of the thigh at the bottom of the squat. -Your knees and hips must be extended at the top of the squat. -You must finish under control and on the mat for the rep to count. -You can break up the 5 reps as needed. -If you step off the mat and then regain control and step back on, the rep is good. Lateral Jump: -Your barbell must be under control before you start jumping. -Both feet must leave and land at the same time. -You can face any way you choose while you jump. WOD 3 For Time: Stone to Shoulder x 5 Handstand Pushup x 10 Stone to Shoulder x 4 Handstand Pushup x 8 Stone to Shoulder x 3 Handstand Pushup x 6 Stone to Shoulder x 2 Handstand Pushup x 4 Stone to Shoulder x 1 Handstand Pushup x 2 Female Stone: 70# Male Stone: 115# **This WOD has an 8 minute TIME CAP On the call of 3… 2… 1… GO, the athlete will begin at the stone to shoulder station. Once the athlete has completed all required reps at that station, they move on to the Handstand Pushup. Once all Handstand Pushups have been completed, the athlete moves back to the stone. This continues, decreasing in reps, until the athlete has completed the final 2 Handstand Pushups. Standards Stone to Shoulder: -You must alternate shoulders each rep. -The stone must be under control at the top of the shoulder for the rep to count. -The stone must be released and under control at the bottom of each rep. -You may NOT touch and go. -The stone must be under control before you move to the next station. Handstand Pushup: -Each rep starts and ends with your hands on the plates and feet on the wall. -No part of your hands may be off the plate or in the hole. -Your feet must remain inside the width of the plates. FLOATER WOD For Reps: AMRAP in 3 min: KB Swing x 1 Toes to Bar x 1 KB Swing x 2 Toes to Bar x 2 KB Swing x 3 Toes to Bar x 3 Continue adding 1 rep to each movement until time expires. Female KB: 53# Male KB: 70# On the call of 3… 2… 1… GO, the athlete will begin with one KB Swing. Once one KB Swing has been completed and the KB is under control on the ground, the athlete then completes one toes to bar. This pattern will continue, adding one rep to each movement, each round, until time expires. Standards KB Swing: -The swing ends with the knees, hips and elbows extended and KB directly overhead. -The bottom of the KB must be completely vertical at the top of each rep. -At the bottom of the swing both forearms must make contact with the inside of both thighs. -The KB must be in control at all times or the rep will not count. Toes to Bar: -Each rep starts with the athlete in full extension, hanging from the pullup bar. -The athlete’s feet must start behind the pullup bar and end in contact with the pullup bar for each rep to count. FINAL WOD: TBA** **We will announce the Final WOD shortly after the completion of WOD 3. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: We are taking into consideration due to current events the air quality in Colorado Springs due to the fires. If air quality is a major concern at the time of the event, we have made a contingency plan in order for all events to be performed indoors here at CrossFit 719.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Jun 2013 23:03:21 +0000

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