WOD: Thurs 6/13/13 Partner 15 minute AMRAP: Partner 1: 1 Rope - TopicsExpress


WOD: Thurs 6/13/13 Partner 15 minute AMRAP: Partner 1: 1 Rope Climb, 15ft 20 GHD Sit-ups Partner 2: Max reps: Hang Powercleans 115/75lb Partner 3: Rest AMRAP begins with each person designated at a station. Partner 2 will perform max reps of Hang Power Clean until partner 1 completes 1 Rope Climb + 20 GHD Sit-ups. Once partner 1 completes this they move to max reps of hang power cleans, person 2 then moves to rest, and partner 3 who was resting moves to station 1-rope climb 15ft + 20 GHD Sit-ups. Score is teams total Hang Power Cleans. -then- Jump rope challenge Option 1. 4 sets of: 30 seconds unbroken Double Unders, :30 sec rest (However if you trip you count all trips and they equal runs. Example: 2 trips = 200m run, 4 trips = 400m run etc Option 2. 4 sets: 1 min on 1 min off max unbroken singles. Trip rule applies here too. The point is to be fluid and efficient with little to no trips. RRCF stretch + partner calf rolls or lax ball traps
Posted on: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 01:35:51 +0000

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