WOLF MESSING ВО́ЛЬФ МЕ́ССИН [ וּוֹלףֿ מ - TopicsExpress


WOLF MESSING ВО́ЛЬФ МЕ́ССИН [ וּוֹלףֿ מ סינג ] PSYCHIC AND TELEPATHIST MESSING-EINSTEIN-FREUD MEETING ! Wolf Messing was probably one of the most famous psychic in Europe in the 1930s to 1960s. He was born in Poland as a Jew in 1899. Later, he moved to Berlin, where he developed his psychic abilities. He developed a mind reading stage act that quickly drew attention throughout Europe. Wolf Grigorevich Messing, Во́льф Григо́рьевич (Ге́ршикович) Ме́ссинг), Polish: Wolf Grigoriewicz Messing, 1 September 1899 — 8 November 1974, was an alleged psychic and telepathist. He was a teacher for the officers of the NKVD/KGB. He claimed that his psychic abilities developed in his early life. According to Messing, he was able to broadcast mental suggestions in order to alter peoples perceptions. Messing said: «Its not mind-reading, its, like the reading of muscles ... When human thinks hard about something, the brain cells transmit impulses to all muscles of the body. Their movements, invisible to the eye, I can easily feel. Often Im performing mental tasks without direct contact with the inductor. The pointer to me here is the breathing frequency of inductor, the beating of his heart, voice timbre, his walking nature etc». According to the late illustrious physicist JACQUES BERGIER (a jew from Odessa, IN CLOSE CONTACT WITH MY FRIENDS RENÉ AND FRANCINE FOUÉRÉ OF GEPA IN PARIS), he escaped from a prison and several nazis owing to his mental powers on them. Messing was arrested by the Germans. At the police station, he gave the officers a mental order to go to a room in the other end of the building, even his guards. He wrote: “When, responding to my will, the police had all gathered in that room, I lay completely motionless, as if dead. Then, quickly, I ran into the corridor. Instanly, before they could come to, I slid the iron bolt on the door…” He escaped to Russia, where he continued his career as a telepathic entertainer. Stalin commanded a frightened Messing to prove his psychic abilities of thought control. He told Messing to pull off a psychic bank robbery. Messing was to walk into the Moscow Gosbank, alone and unarmed, and come back with 100,000 rubles. Plainclothes agents would be inside and outside as witnesses. He wrote : “I walked up to the cashier and handed him a blank sheet of paper torn from a school notebook.” Stern Soviet agents watched as the elderly male teller looked at the paper, went to the safe, came back and handed Messing 100,000 rubles. Messing walked outside to waiting Soviet agents. Amazed, they counted the money then handed it back. When Messing returned to the bank counter and handed back the money, the teller looked at the money in surprise, looked at Messing then at the blank sheet of paper. He fell to the floor with a heart attack. “Luckily, it wasn’t fatal.” A second test set by Stalin was to enter his house — surrounded by armed guards — without a pass. Later, as Stalin was working in his office, Messing walked in to Stalin’s surprise. How did he do it? Messing explained that he had broadcasted a mental suggestion that he was the feared head of the Russian secret police Lavrenti Beria, and that the guards had seen Beria, not Messing. His strong belief that “I am Beria” made others see him as he believed. The most important thing we learn from Messing is that YOUR OWN FAITH AND CONVICTION MAKES YOUR THOUGHT POWERFUL. BY BELIEVING IN WHAT YOU THINK, YOU AMPLIFY THE INFLUENTIAL POWER OF THAT THOUGHT. All this has been published too in the old French review «Planète», n°27, 1965, ‘Les mémoires dun voyant soviétique’(‘Autobiography of a Russian psychic’), by Wolf Messing, translation from the Russian by Jacques Bergier. In Vienna, WOLF MESSING MET SIGMUND FREUD, WHO TESTED HIM. Freud was amazed at the results. It took place IN ALBERT EINSTEIN’S APARTMENT. Freud gave Messing a mental command. In Messing’s own words: “To this day I still remember Freud’s mental command. Go to the bathroom cupboard and pick up some tweezers. Return to Albert Einstein and pull out a hair from Einstein’s moustache.” Messing did as he telepathically received the thought. Years later, when speaking of the incident, FREUD CONCLUDED THAT “IF I HAD MY LIFE TO LIVE OVER AGAIN, I WOULD DEVOTE IT TO PSYCHIC RESEARCH.” He also predicted Hitler’s death if the Fuhrer “turned toward the East.” opednews/Diary/The-Amazing-Wolf-Messing-by-Mystic-Wizard-090422-486.html mindislife/wolf-messing-and-the-power-of-thought-influence
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 21:55:27 +0000

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