WOLF OF WALL STREET TURNS INTO A LAMB IN SHEEPS CLOTHING Leo has grown a beard. Not Leo Varadkar. Leo DiCapro. Its an ugly piece of work and it makes him look like a cross between Brian McFadden, Gordon Darcy and Orson Welles on hunger strike. Obviously somebody told him if you’re going to get involved in trying to save the planet, it would be useful to have a beard, for authenticity’s sake. It conveys the authority of a man who declines to use spray cans of shaving foam, which depends on Co2 for its propellant properties. Last weekend was a big week-end for Leo and the advocates of climate change, aka global warmers. Leo and 400,000 people marched in New York last Sunday, in a bid to get governments to act now or suffer the consequences in ten or twenty years time. The march also presented an opportunity for a bash in the Sheraton Hotel, at which Leo was presented with a medal by the head of the World Wildlife Fund, CEO, Carter Roberts, who said,”now more than ever, nature needs a voice. Leonardo Di Caprio is that voice.” ”Climate change is compromising the very viability of our planet” says Leo…”less than 3% of all philantropic giving goes towards protecting and preserving our environment…(let us) put the environment at the forefront of the human agenda.” In New York, to show solidarity, was Sting and his wife Trudi Styler and they put in the tantric miles alongside Leo and his fellow movie stars, Mark Ruffalo, Ed Norton and Evangeline Lilly. I still like to think of Leo as The Wolf of Wall Street, but its hard any more, because two weeks ago Leo was named as the United Nations Messenger of Peace on Climate Change. Lest I be charged with shooting the messenger, I think its really scary when somebody in Hollywood goes political. Everybody knows that whether the proponent is well intentioned or driven by ego, the political posturing, usually passes quickly and fortunately the subject withers on the vine and becomes so “last” year. Leo, my friend, sorry for bearding you in your own den, but rich people and philantrophists know not to be wasting their money on things that cannot be changed. That’s why nobody is giving your cause any money. I am not a scientist, but I found this bit of info up on the Net. “CO2 is not increasing... is the contention by Wolfgang Knorr of the Department of Earth Sciences at the University of Bristol in England, who says that “carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are about where they were 160 years ago. I’m being selective in my choice of scientist, because climate change statistics are malleable in the extreme and Wolfgang’s version makes more sense to me. There is yet no statistically significant trend in the CO2 growth rate since 1958 and the airborne fraction has shown little variation over this period The airborne fraction is the amount of human CO2 emissions that stays in the atmosphere. It is approximately 43% and it is calculated from the rate of human CO2 emissions and changes in atmospheric CO2 concentration. Primarily, CO2 emissions come from varied sources, including fracking, which involves injecting water, sand and chemicals to break apart underground rocks and release oil and gas. Hollywood actor, Alec Baldwin, is a fierce opponent of fracking, but he also had a lot to say on global warming, when he spoke at the launch of a new book ,“Addressing Climate Change”. “We’ve been talking about this for twenty five years..we need to learn the lessons that other people are learning…no nukes…less coal..reduce reduce… not eliminate.” Good man, Alec. Thanks for leaving that crack in the door, but for f..k sake, its bad enough that in America they have lionised Leo, a movie star, almost to the point of sainthood and then along comes, Alec, who is not as big a star as Leo and he starts telling us what to do as well. In London, 40,000 turned up for the march and the celebs were thin on the ground. Peter Gabriel and Vivienne Westwood was the best they could muster to hear Emma Thompson say “anyone who tries to deny it (climate change) looks a little bit bonkers..its a form of collective suicide…its like a Martian invasion and we’re the Martians.” Talking about invasions, last Wednesday, my leader, Enda Kenny, told the UN Summit on Climate in New York, “all of the main themes conclude that the clock is ticking..that we don’t have anytime to waste.” Unless, of course, its another tribunal or inquiry. And no disrespect to Leo, Alec and Emma, but you have about as much chance of accomplishing the reversal of climate change, as I have of being Taoiseach. As for my stance on climate change, until they can accurately predict earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, floods, drought and other natural calamities, I’m sticking to the Sun as the arbiter of our existence. After all, the Sun has been doing it’s own thing for 4.6 billion years and we’re just a bunch of 3 million year old, pipsqueak runners-in, who think they own the place. First printed in Irish Daily Mail Sat.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 10:34:55 +0000

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