‘WOLF’ Written by Earl E. Gobel A man, a good looking man - TopicsExpress


‘WOLF’ Written by Earl E. Gobel A man, a good looking man stands behind his desk… as he stares out at the empty room before him. In the room sits, twenty-four empty chairs. Chairs that will soon be filled. The man stands well over six feet tall. He is muscular, with broad shoulders, and muscled toned forearms and lean of hip. His thick hair is slicked back. He’s wearing a dark maroon quilted smoking jacket with satin lapels. His face is long and skinny. His neatly trimmed wrap around goatee adds a sense of wealth and power to his appearance. He steps up to the desk and clears his throat. Come on, and welcome to my lovely home. And I thank you for coming. I realize your time is a valuable commodity, so I will try to keep this brief. Well as brief, as I can, anyways. My reasons for calling all of you here is simple. Each and everyone one of you, are the direct descendants and heirs to some rather disgusting murdering vermin, that helped to destroy my family’s honor years ago. I realize that most of you, weren’t even born yet, when this took place but, frankly… I don’t give a damn. Someone has to be held accountable for what your ancestors did, so it might as well be you. It all started many and I do mean many years ago… back in a very small town, just outside of Salem, Massachusetts. Back in thought to be long ago forgotten days of the infamous Salem witch trials of 1692. Like I said it was many years ago. One of you, had an ancestor who accused… my great grandmother of being a witch. Does the name Sara Good, mean anything to any of you? It should. Cause it was your ancestors that drug her from her bed, in the middle of the night and without as much as a trial… tied her to a tree in her own front yard… and burned her. And if you have any doubts about what I am telling… then I suggest you go back to where her house still stands and look at that tree. Take a long hard look, and you will see the outline of her body as it was burned into that tree. Oh yes… the house still stands to this day. It’s a vital part of my family’s legacy, that will be protected at all cost. Even though some of your ancestors, have tried repeatedly, to burn the damn thing to the ground. Almost three hundred different times…throughout the passing years, her house had a torch put to it. And yet it survives as I still do. I know what you’re thinking. I really do. You’re asking yourself, how could any of this be true? You don’t believe that Sara was my great grandmother do you? Cause if you did, you would have to bring yourself to accept the realization that I must be at least four hundred years old. Which isn’t possible is it? Or is it? You see I let out one important fact. A fact that suddenly becomes relevant all of a sudden. You see, of all the people that were actually burned at the stake for being a witch back then… my grandmother was the only one that really was a witch. You heard me alright. She was the darkest witch, that the world had ever seen back then. I say back then, cause the witches of today…are so much stronger and powerful then she ever was back then. Even witches need to evolve with the times… just as you have. Oh relax, I am not a witch like my great grandmother was. So you have nothing to fear from that side of my family. Or maybe you do? Maybe all of you should be shaking in your boots, or emptying your bladders right about now. As for I myself, I was given the gift that came in the form of another type of demon. One that only shows himself under the light of a full moon. Much like tonight is. A demon that nobody dares to admit really exists. But, they do. I have been hunted, shot at by every conceivable weapon that you could ever dream of. I’ve had hordes of people chasing me… with torches, clubs, stick and the like. I even lost one of my feet…. In a damn bear trap, because of your dammed ancestors All of which thought if they could somehow kill me… their nightmares might end. They didn’t. They never killed me and their nightmares still continue to this very night. Only they’re much bloodier now. A lot more bloodier then even I could have dreamed up. So just so all of you know the real facts here, in the course of my lifetime… I have personally slaughtered exactly seven thousand people, just to survive so I could be here tonight. To talk to all of you this very night. Cause tonight is the night that I raise that level to seven thousand plus all of you. There is no escape.. not for any of you For tonight is the four hundredth anniversary of my great grandmother’s murder. Just as tonight…all of you will be held accountable. I am going to enjoy this very personal vendetta, as I go about getting justice for my family. He looked around the room and smiled. “Yeah…that will work just fine. He told himself as he turned to look at his personal assistant, Manfred, who was standing off to his left. “Manfred my good man, would you please see to it that our guests are let in precisely at the stroke of midnight? Not one second earlier or later, you understand?” “Yes Sir. Will there be anything else Sir?” “Yes…now that you ask… please be sure that all of the windows and doors are left unlocked. I rather enjoy watching the looks on their faces when all of the locks lock all at the same time. Especially when there’s nobody around them. It really scares the holy shit out of them especially the women folk!” “Yes Sir… I will see that it is as you ask it to be. Will there be anything else Sir?” “No my good friend. But, there’s going to be one hell of a feast tonight. Isn’t there?” “ Yes Sir. Just like always Sir. “
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 17:11:08 +0000

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