WOLVERHAMPTON TO HOST LAST POST TRIBUTE AS PART OF UK WIDE COMMEMORATION TO WW1 GENERATION Howling Wolves Community Choir in Wolverhampton is taking part in First World War centenary project The Last Post on 12th November joining hundreds of groups around the UK in a musical tribute that will remember local World War One history and see the Last Post played on a variety of different instruments. Over 200 commmorative events are being held across the UK and in Wolverhampton, Howling Wolves Community Choir are hosting an event of commemorative songs, poetry and prose, from and about the First World War. The Last Post will be played by 13 year old Cameron Chin-See. The event will take place at Newhampton Arts Centre Theatre, Dunkley Street, Wolverhampton WV1 4AN (7:00pm - 8:45pm). The tickets are free but donations to help cover costs will be very welcome on the evening. Tickets are available at howlingwolves-lastpost.eventbrite.co.uk Designed and run by arts organisation Superact with support from the Department for Communities and Local Government, The Last Post project has been funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) to roll out the project in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland in 2014. The Department of Culture Arts and Leisure is also supporting the project in NI. Virginia Crompton, Executive Producer of The Last Post project said: “The Last Post is a creative project enabling people all over the UK to explore local World War One heritage and reflect on new interpretations of this piece of music that has become indelibly linked to remembrance. “With events happening across the UK from 4 to 18 November, you can find your nearest event on thelastpostproject.org.uk or even host your own” To find out more about the project, host your own event or see what other events are taking place visit thelastpostproject.org.uk
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 14:00:27 +0000

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