(WOMAN) Besides being a prophetess, Deborah was a judge. As - TopicsExpress


(WOMAN) Besides being a prophetess, Deborah was a judge. As told in the book of Judges, Deborah is the fourth judge to lead the nation of Israel.(JUDGES 4:1-5:31) Come forth now, ye women of God, and stand in power as the prophecies of the last hours unfold. The last will be first; the unsuspecting will rise up; the births will be brought forth from mighty ones to behold. The Miriams, Deborahs, and Annas shall keep silent no more, for the Lord has need of the womans depth. She, who was forgiven much, loved much, was Magdalenas cry, delivered of seven devils; it was why she leapt. Dont underestimate the woman, as she groans in travail; she feels the Lords burdens, and knows Him well. Shell fight the bears and lions for her children, for souls, and to keep the Nations from a burning Hell Where did she get this Vision so strong? It was borne of the pain shes learned to endure her whole life long. In pain, she gives birth; in pain, shes the stalwart prayer warrior of a legacy passed down to those who belong. The grandmother, the mother, the daughter; theyre the chain of those on their knees, plowing the ground. Its a mighty soil of generations from the wrinkled hands of bold women, who refused to have sin around. She will point in your face, with the flaming eyes of Almighty God, and who can deny such Holy Spirit fire? Shes been through the pain, the suffering, and trials; shes not afraid of the devil or what he conspires. But, shes just a woman, some say, not realizing her insight to carrying, patiently waiting, and giving birth. Her trials have given her stamina, strength, and a posture of steadfastness of value and great worth. Shell rise from the dust and prophesy to your face, and the Word will bring power to your time and place. Because shes won the battles in prayer, in many lonely nights alone, in a dark room or crawl space. Be prepared, O women of God, for this may be your time to shine like the sun in gifts of the Spirit, so bold. Theres a reason He chose you; youre no stranger to guidance, management, order, and commands to uphold. The one who gives birth carries the Creator in her womb, because only she can create like the Master can. And in her, He feels a connection that only she understands, as the Lord gives her power to produce a man. You may be called and chosen, dear lady; time has come to destiny and now you may be summoned. This could be your intersection of prophecy, gifts, and power, as the Lord proclaims, you are WOMAN! (SHALOM)
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 03:01:17 +0000

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